Chapter 128

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"Is this even legal?" I asked Andy who was picking me up from work.

"What do you mean darling?" Andy asked as he helped me onto Brownie.

He literally came on horseback to pick me up.

"The cops haven't said anything and I saw two cops on our way here," Andy explained as Andy got in front of me.

The entire record label was outside intrigued by this sight.

"Well, that's one way to get home," John my boss commented with a chuckle.

"Don't ask me why he did this," I told John.

Andy grabbed Brownie's harness.

"Ready?" Andy asked me as I held on to him.

"Yes as ready as I can be," I told him.

"See you tomorrow," John told me.

"Bye," I commented as we left the parking lot.

"We better not get arrested or get any bad publicity because of this," I told Andy who was just thrilled.

"Don't worry darling I would never ruin our reputation," Andy replied sweetly.

The next thing I knew, Brownie was going off course and towards a little park.

"No get her to get back on track Andy," I panicked.

"She's fine darling," Andy replied as he held her reins tighter.

We rode into the park straight to another horse.

"Chestnut?" I exclaimed.

There was no way Chestnut was standing in front of me.

I kept looking at the horse and I noticed the little white patch on her side that was her trademark.

"Oh my god Chestnut," I began crying profusely.

Suddenly, I was shaken.

I sat up and realized it had been a dream. I was in bed next to Andy and he was trying to get me out of the dream.

"I, what the hell," I remarked confused.

"You kept saying Chestnut and then you started crying," Andy whispered.

"S-she was there in my dream," I remarked as I felt my entire face covered in tears and sweat.

"Darling she was just letting you know she's ok where she's at," Andy calmly told me.

"Wait but you were riding Brownie to pick me up from work?" I mumbled in confusion.

Andy laughed.

"Wait what?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, you were there with me. We were on Brownie 'cause you went to pick me up from work and then Brownie brought us to this park where Chestnut was standing," I recalled.

"Are you ok darling? You seem really shaken up by the dream," Andy consoled me as he wrapped an arm around me.

"I know it was supposed to be her letting me know she was ok but it made me miss her a little more," I told him as I sniffled a bit.

I was crying still and couldn't stop it.

"How about you go use the restroom, get some water and come back to bed? I'll hold you as you try and go back to sleep," Andy told me lovingly.

"That sounds like a great plan," I told him as I leaned to kiss him in the dark.

"Nice aim darling you actually found my lips," Andy joked after we separated and I was shuffling to the restroom.

I chuckled to myself. 

I came back to bed shortly with that glass of water. Andy had turned on his side table lamp. I glanced at the clock and it was only 2:17 a.m.

"I'm sorry I woke you up love," I commented as I got back into bed.

"Don't ever be sorry for things like this. It's something we can't control and I'm just glad I was home to help you," Andy told me.

I smiled at him after I took a sip of water.

"Now those cuddles I promised, come here," Andy told me as I got comfy next to him. 

He then turns the light off.

I sighed as we entangled ourselves with each other.

Andy played with my hair as we lay in silence.

Andy's heartbeat was somehow comforting to the stressful dream I had.

Andy started chuckling.

"What's so funny?" I asked Andy half-asleep.

"You dreaming I would pick you up on horseback," Andy told me quietly.

I smiled at his remark.

"Shut up," I told him nicely.

"It's pretty funny when you think of it," Andy explained.

"Yeah yeah," I mumbled into his chest as he continued playing with my hair.

"Sweet dreams darling," Andy whispered as he kissed my forehead.

"Good night love," I told him as we both focused on getting back to dreamland.

Another sleepless night for the books.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now