Chapter 97

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"Well that's uh something,"  I commented.

A nasty storm came through California and half of a tree hanging over the pool collapsed inside. 

 "We can fix that easily darling," Andy reassured.

"Good thing summer is basically over. That looks horrible," I replied.

"It could have been worse like a fire or tornado darling," Andy told me.

"You do got a point there," I told him.

"So are we gonna deal with it ourselves or do we call professionals?" Andy asked me.

"I think some professionals should be called. We do not want to get hurt," I told Andy.

"I'll make the necessary phone calls," Andy told me as he disappeared back inside.

I went to examine the rest of the backyard. What was left of the fruit that we had yet picked was all on the ground.

I frowned to see the disaster. I walked from the garden to the stable to check on Chestnut and the stable. She was fine and so was her house.

The last place to check was our chicken coop. The roof was a little tattered but nothing we couldn't fix.

Including our house, it was minor damage. Nothing a little insurance wouldn't be able to fix.

I walked inside to find Andy on the phone with several papers in front of him.

"Who are you on the phone with?" I whispered.

"The house insurance to see if that tree removal is a part of our coverage," he whispered.

"Are you on hold?" I asked as I sat down.

"Yes," Andy replied.

I looked at the papers he had spread out across the table. I was skimming to see if anything about storm damage stood out but I was never good with technical stuff like that.

Andy was finally taken off hold so I went back outside to see if  I saw any more damage. 

I went to check the gates to see if the wind did any damage or if any tree branches did anything bad to the property. 

I didn't see anything but it was really muddy and I was gonna regret the fact I wore sneakers.

I stood on the porch and looked out to the yard. It was sad seeing such a wreck and mess. The sky was still partially threatening looking but the forecast only called for hit-or-miss rain showers.

 While staring into the abyss, I tried to think about ideas to do for the upcoming wedding anniversary. I didn't know if Andy had planned anything yet. Should take a trip out of state? Should I plan a nice day or evening at home? All these thoughts consumed my brain.

Andy always usually plans stuff and this time I wanted to be in charge of planning it.

I thought to myself maybe we could go out to Catalina Island or Santa Barbara. Andy loved everything water-based.

After a while, I could hear Andy calling me.

"Huh?" I turned around and asked.

"They asked me how the tree branches are in the pool?" Andy asked me.

"Oh, they are like really stuck across. It's like the whole top of the tree collapsed," I replied.

Andy gave me a thumbs-up and disappeared.

I went back to thinking to myself. I wondered if I could plan something in Catalina.

I went inside and went upstairs to find my journal to write down the ideas that I had created in my brain.

When Andy was out of the house in the next few days, I would have to call the travel agents or see if there were any places with pamphlets about things to do in Catalina or Santa Barbara.

Andy shortly came up to find me.

"Whatcha doing darling?" Andy asked.

"Oh I'm just making a note of all the stuff we need to do in the backyard," I said as I shut my journal and put it away on my side table.

"The insurance company said it's all covered so we should be good. They have someone coming out tomorrow to survey and take photos of the damage," Andy told me.

"Thank god cause I can't take the tree in the pool anymore," I joked.

"That is a very good point darling," Andy chuckled.

"Yeah, so what else do we gotta do for the house?" I asked.

"Until the insurance comes through, then that's when we take the next steps for the claim," Andy explained.

"Ok sounds like a plan then," I told Andy as I stood up and headed to look out the window to see how bad the damage was from up here.

"It still looks bad," I told Andy who now was standing behind me.

"We will get everything back in order soon darling," Andy reassured me.

"I don't like messes and you know that," I chuckled.

"Yes I know darling," Andy replied.

"I cannot believe that tree just snapped in two," I said.

"It was a shock," Andy replied.

"But no more shade over the pool," I told him.

"Well we can look into options after this is all squared away," Andy gestured towards the backyard.

"I know," I commented as we stared out into the backyard.

I had two things on my mind: our anniversary and the backyard mess. 

To a eventful week.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now