Chapter 56

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When I woke up for work this morning and looked at the calendar, I realized that I had completely spaced out Andy's and I's wedding anniversary. With the move and the new job, I had forgotten and felt so bad. Whether he had remembered or not, that was another story and  I did not care. 

So after I left work, I headed straight to the store. At last minute, I didn't know what to get besides a bouquet of roses (who says women are the only ones who can get them), strawberries and chocolate to make chocolate-covered strawberries,  and a card.

After checking out, I headed to Walgreens to find a bottle of Stenson. I found a nice bag and then headed home after checking out.

Andy was not home when I arrived. He had some things to do at the studio so it worked out for me that I could set the little surprise up in the kitchen.

I quickly freshened up and went and started making the chocolate-covered strawberries.

I managed to do a decent job on them so I popped them in the fridge for a little bit.

While those were setting up, I signed the card and packed the bottle of cologne nicely with some tissue paper.

I also managed to get the roses into a vase and arranged the card, flowers, and bag nicely on the counter.

To make it look less suspicious, I went to sit in the living room reading till I heard Andy enter the house.  Before I knew he would be here, I went and got the strawberries nicely arranged on a platter and put them by the other stuff. 

It was a little before 2:30 before I heard the familiar car door slam and the keys jiggle in the door. 

I had left Biscuit outside purposely so she didn't get into any mischief inside before Andy could see the little surprise.

"Darling I'm home," Andy said as the front door opened.

He had a bag in his hand. I wasn't sure what was in it.

"Hi love," I remarked not prying my attention from my book.

I wasn't really reading it.

"How was your day?" Andy asked as he slid his shoes off before coming to greet me.

"It went well I guess," I commented as I snuck a few kisses from him.

Andy chuckled.

"Just well?" Andy asked.

"Yeah I mean it wasn't too special just filing tapes for the company, escorting the clients, ya know big girl things I suppose," I joked.

Andy just smiled at me.

"Well good cause I was hoping to make dinner for us tonight instead to celebrate you officially working there for a month," Andy told me as he handed me the bag he had been holding.

I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"Rosé?" I commented.

"Yes lovey," Andy commented as he went and disappeared down the hall temporarily to get comfortable for the afternoon.

I didn't want to head to the kitchen since he had yet seen the surprise so I just put the bottle of rosé on the table and waited for him to come back.

After a few, Andy had changed and looked comfy. 

"Where's Biscuit?" Andy questioned.

"Outside why," I nonchalantly replied.

"Usually you keep her inside with you when I'm gone," Andy told me.

"I felt like she needed to be outside a bit more today since she hadn't been 'cause of the wind," I lied.

"I'm going to go let her in," Andy told me as he disappeared to the kitchen.

"Finally," I mumbled to myself.

I put the book down on the coffee table that I was pretending to read and waited to hear Andy's reaction.

I slowly stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Oh darling," I could hear from Andy.

"Yes?" I questioned as I walked towards the kitchen.

As I walked in, Andy had the biggest smile on his face. 

"You did this for me?" Andy asked with a smile.

"Uh huh yes and?" I asked him as I walked up to him.

"I feel bad because I forgot it was our wedding anniversary," Andy commented.

I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter love to me," I told him as I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Thank you so much lovey. You shouldn't have," Andy whispered as he hugged me tightly.

"Guys deserve roses too," I remarked.

Andy chuckled at my statement. 

"You are the best have I ever told you that?" Andy asked in a whisper as he stayed hugging me.

"I love hearing it though," I replied back as I kissed his cheek.

Andy slowly let go of the embrace and went to grab the small bag and card.

"2 years we've been married right?" Andy asked.

"Yes and we've been together now 5 years," I told him.

"And it feels just like yesterday I was going to the record store and buying Mills Brothers stuff," Andy joked.

"Right it feels like it was just yesterday yet like forever we've been together," I told him.

Andy was lost reading the card at the moment. I managed to write a few things inside in addition to whatever Hallmark Greeting was plastered on the front. 

Andy smiled after he finished reading it. 

"You know I think I love cards the most for special occasions like this one," Andy told me as he kissed my forehead. 

"I'm glad you love my words," I told him as I wrapped an arm around him to give him a side hug.

"You really outdid yourself lovey," Andy told me as he put the card down and reached for the bag.

"It's not as much as I could have done but," I began to state.

"Not much? Darling, you went above and beyond with this surprise," Andy told me proudly.

"I wanted to do something extra but with the move," I told him.

Andy's famous way of hushing me up by kissing me was his ploy. 

"Don't discredit yourself lovey," Andy whispered after a moment.

I just smiled at him as he went back to opening the bag of cologne. 

"You know my favorite," Andy smiled.

"Of course I know," I remarked.

"Well, I feel bad because all we got is a bottle of rosé to celebrate with," Andy told me.

"It's not too early to drink a little bit of wine and enjoy the strawberries?" I asked him with a nudge.

"I think that's a brilliant idea darling," Andy replied as he kissed my temple.

I contently sighed. 

"Happy anniversary," I told Andy as he went to find some drinking glasses.

"To our forever lovey," Andy told me.

Small surprises go a long way.

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