Chapter 115

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With Christmas a few days away, everything seemed to be going so fast. Life was on fast forward and I wanted it to slow down to a point. This year was one of the toughest I've had with Andy.

Today, Karen invited me to her place for our Christmas gift exchange while Andy was out doing last-minute Christmas surprises. That wasn't a surprise at all to me.

Karen and I were sitting in her living room. The condo looked like it did for the Carpenters Christmas Special in 1977.

"So you are telling me I will have known you for 8 years already?" Karen analyzed.

"Wow, are you kidding me? Dang that's crazy KC," I remarked as we were deep in conversation.

"Well since it's gonna be 1985, you started work at the record store in 1977ish right?" Karen asked me.

"Damn, holy crap yeah. Wait, that means Andy and I will have been together for 7 years," I told her stunned.

"Awwww wait that's cute," Karen told me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah we're cute," I joked.

"It's true though I mean through all the ups and downs, you guys stick together no matter what," Karen replied.

"Our bond is strong enough I suppose," I told her.

"I love that for you," Karen told me as she stood up to get herself an iced tea refill.

I smiled as she disappeared.

Though hanging out with Karen was fun, if I wanted to get home before dark I'd have to think about leaving sooner than later.

Karen came back quickly.

"We gotta get lunch soon. I feel like we haven't been hanging out enough," Karen told me.

"I know. This year was quite a handful of stuff and not enough of me to go around," I told her.

"The new chapter awaits us in 1985," Karen remarked.

"I hope it's a bit better than this one has," I told her as I glanced down at my watch.

It was 10 till 4. I had been here all afternoon.

"It will be. This chapter was just to make you stronger," Karen told me.

I smiled at her words of encouragement.

I stood up out of my seat.

"I really don't want to go but I  better get going if I want to make it home before dark KC," I told her.

"That's ok I understand," Karen commented as she stood up.

I had several bags to carry down to my car from her for me and Andy.

"I'll help you," Karen told me as she grabbed some of the bags.

"Thanks, KC," I commented as I grabbed my purse.

And so, we headed down the lobby out to the parking lot.

"Merry Christmas," I told Karen after we got the bags situated in the car trunk.

"Merry Christmas," Karen told me as she hugged me one more time.

"Take care and I'll call you later," I told her.

"Bye," Karen told me as she headed back inside.

And so, I settled in for my car ride home.

Traffic wasn't too terrible as it seemed everyone was at their destinations for Christmas.

I got home right around 4:45, just as the sun was going down.

I pulled up and brought the bags inside with me.

I walked in and was consumed by the sound of Christmas music and the scent of food.

The music was so loud that I couldn't even say "Honey, I'm home!"

I walked to the kitchen to find Andy working away at making a salad.

"Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays," Andy sang.

I stood back and smiled as he worked his way through the kitchen happily.

As Andy paused, I wrapped my arms around him.

He slightly jumped at my touch.

"Hi darling you are finally home," Andy remarked.

I smiled to myself.

"Yes I have a lot of gifts from KC we need to put under the tree later," I told him as he turned around to face me.

"Aw, how sweet of Karen," Andy remarked as he leaned in to steal a few kisses.

"She goes above and beyond," I told him.

"Just like you do," Andy told me as he stole a few more kisses.

After a second, I pulled away and looked at him.

"What?" Andy asked chuckling.

"Nothing just admiring the man I love," I told him.

Andy's cheeks turned crimson.

"Real smooth darling," Andy told me with a chuckle.

"Yeah," I told him with a laugh.

"So what else did you do today?" Andy asked me.

"You have two girls who had not seen each other. What do you expect us to do?" I asked him.

"All ya did was gossip didn't ya?" Andy asked.

"Duh," I commented.

Andy rolled his eyes.

"So what did the chef prepare for dinner?" I asked as I looked at the counter and stove.

"Steaks, baked potatoes and salad," Andy replied proudly.

"That sounds delicious," I remarked as my stomach growled.

"I was craving a steak all morning and I was like that's gonna be our dinner," Andy replied.

"Let me wash up and get comfy and we can eat early if you want?"  I suggested.

"That sounds perfect darling," Andy told me as he kissed my forehead.

To a comfy evening with my husband.

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