Chapter 38

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"Your voice sounds funny darling," Andy commented as we had just woken up.

"I know but my chest doesn't hurt as much," I told him as I stretched.

"I bet you the medicine has finally worked now that it's been a few days," Andy told me as I sat up. 

"I hope so but man my right nostril is burning," I replied as I reached for a tissue.

"Maybe you had a head cold in addition to asthma?" Andy asked me.

"I wonder 'cause it didn't give symptoms like that because I had no body aches, no sore throat, nothing," I commented as I went to the restroom.

"That may be a good thing darling," Andy commented as his voice disappeared from the room.

After washing my face, I went to go sit back down on the bed. Andy was getting coffee for us.

I could hear him whistling.

After a few, Andy's footsteps filled the air.

"Here we are darling," Andy commented as he handed me a mug.

"Thank you love," I replied.

"You still sound funny darling," Andy analyzed.

"I can't help how my voice sounds man," I told him.

"I know but you sound, extra cute," Andy replied.

"I sound like a sick dog love don't flatter me," I told him.

"I just wanted to make you laugh," Andy replied chuckling.

"Because laughter is the best medicine," I replied.

"Yes darling exactly you know my exact thoughts," Andy joked.

"Well we've known each other for so long," I told him with a nudge.

"Don't use my songs against me," Andy replied shaking his head.

"What? I can't say you are my everything?" I asked him with a serious look.

"Just for that," Andy replied putting down his mug.

"What?"I asked him.

"Put your mug down too," Andy told me.

And so I complied.

"Now come here," Andy replied as he held his arms out.

"You just wanted an excuse to hold me?" I asked as I laid my head on his chest.

"Darling I've been going stir crazy not being able to love on you. This is the only way to do so till we know you are 100% better," Andy commented. 

I sighed.

"Yes I know," I told him.

"We do our best to make sure you are better darling and it sounds like you are finally doing well," Andy replied proudly.

"Yes I feel like I finally have caved into rest and it seems to be working in the healing process," I told him.

"You finally listened to me darling. You almost made me break my New Years Resolution," Andy replied kissing my forehead.

"You still have been loving on me though," I replied chuckling.

"Well true but not the way I should be," Andy joked.

"Oh hush," I replied as I rolled my eyes.

"But now you know to listen to your body and rest. You got to know that darling," Andy told me.

"I know but I am stubborn and don't like relying on people for help," I explained.

"You like your independence but sometimes it's harder for that," Andy replied.

"Yes I know but you've been so wonderful through this all," I told him.

I could feel Andy smile.

"Do you think I'd have it any other way?" Andy asked me.

I shook my head.

"That's what I thought," Andy replied chuckling.

"Yes of course love I mean you have been so caring and loving not that I wouldn't expect that," I told him.

"Sometimes it's hard to tell you how much I love you so it's easier to show you," Andy replied quietly.

I smiled.

"You go above and beyond doing that you know that right?" I asked him as I had a coughing fit overtake me.

I sat up quickly and grabbed my coffee to try and soothe my throat.

Andy sat up behind me and wrapped an arm around me.

"Are you ok darling?" Andy asked me.

I tried to catch my breath before replying.

"Yes love I think the cough medicine is wearing off already," I told him.

"When was the last time you took it?" Andy asked me.

"This morning about 3 and now it is a little after 8 so it's almost been 6 hours," I told him as I sighed.

"Ok darling we should think about getting you another dose," Andy replied.

I sighed. I hated the way the medicine tasted.

Andy got out of bed and went to grab me my dose.

"Darling I know you don't want it but you got to do it," Andy commented as he came out of the bathroom.

I sighed as he approached the bed.

I pouted and used my puppy dog eyes on him.

Andy chuckled as he shook his head.

"Now darling that isn't going to work on something like this. You got to do it," Andy replied.

"But I'm tired of it," I told him.

Andy put the medicine on my side table and held my face in his hands temporarily.

"You know it'll help temporarily and we are trying to get you back to normal darling," Andy commented as he brushed his thumb over my cheek.

I sighed as I closed my eyes.

Andy let go of my face and grabbed the medicine once more.

"I will give you lots of loving if you take this," Andy told me.

I sighed. I knew I was still on another day of bed rest so him being with me wouldn't be so terrible.

I grabbed the medicine from him and closed my eyes to take it.

It was so gross. But, I took it.

"See that wasn't so bad darling," Andy replied as he sat down next to me.

"It's still terrible," I replied with a shiver.

"It's made to make you feel better so you better get used to it," Andy replied.

"Yeah yeah I know," I told him as I grabbed my mug and sipped some more coffee.

"Now lay down so you can rest again," Andy told me as he crawled back to his side of the bed.

"I ain't gonna say no to cuddles," I told him. 

"That's my girl," Andy replied chuckling.

Healing and mending were the way to live again.

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