Chapter 18

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"Wait are you sure it is supposed to be like that?" I asked Andy.

We had just hung up an art piece we had bought at a local vendor's market and it looked weird now that it was hanging in our living room.

"What do you mean darling?" Andy asked me as he looked at the art piece.

"When it was not on the wall, these were straight up and down," I gestured to an area where the lines were now crooked.

"Huh?" Andy asked as he looked closer.

"I think we hung it upside down, to be honest," I replied as I felt on the bottom of the frame for a hook or eye to hang it up.

"Darling I don't think we did? It should only go one way," Andy commented.

As soon as he said that, I found the second hook on the bottom of the frame.

"Nope it definitely goes this other way 'cause there is a hook attached," I replied as Andy chuckled at me.

"If you say so darling," Andy replied as he helped me take the painting off the wall.

And so after the minor change, I stepped back to look at the painting again.

Andy looked me and waited for my final comment.

"This is how it was hanging at the market," I replied happily.

"I can see what you meant about the lines now," Andy replied with a sigh of relief.

"I have a good memory but I also remember how the artist was going on and on about how the lines had to run parallel or perpendicular because of something regarding to geometry?" I replied as I headed to the bedroom.

"Ohh I vaguely remember that," Andy replied as he followed me. 

I went to the bedroom to grab my tea mug. I had forgotten about it before we left.

"Why are we coming in here?" Andy asked.

"I'm getting my mug from earlier," I replied chuckling.

"I just followed you 'cause I thought we were gonna nap or something," Andy remarked as I went to put my mug up in the kitchen.

I came back to the bedroom to see Andy slipping his shoes off.

"D-did you wanna nap?" I asked as I came back into the room.

Andy smiled.

"Of course darling why would I be taking my shoes off if I wanted to nap?" Andy asked as he patted my side of the bed indicating me to join him.

I rolled my eyes as I went to take my shoes off and then I just stood by my side of the bed.

Andy was laying on his back with his eyes closed. He then opened one eye and looked at me.

"Why aren't you laying down?" Andy asked with a pout.

"I'm just gonna stand here while you sleep," I remarked.

Andy furrowed his eyebrows together and crawled to my side of the bed.

He then sat on his knees and stared at me.

"Darling," Andy pleaded with his big puppy dog eyes.

I turned my face to chuckle.

"Come on darling don't be so stubborn," Andy remarked as he stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.

"T-that isn't going to work on me. Plus I am not tired at all," I remarked as I tried to walk away.

Andy grabbed my arm and brought me close to him.

"You don't even wanna rest your eyes?" Andy asked quietly.

"I mean-," I replied vaguely.

"Please darling just lay with me," Andy asked one more time.

I sighed. His puppy dog eyes and pout always stole my senses away.

"Ok you win again," I commented as Andy backed up to his spot and I sat down on the bed.

"I just wanted us to be together in quiet before the entire holiday season consumes us," Andy commented after a while of silence. 

I took a deep breath and sighed before replying.

"I can see what you mean now. The holidays come at us so fast and before we know it, it's New Year's Day," I replied as I laid my head on his chest.

"And you'll be busy at the record store all the next few weeks so I'm going to take advantage of when we can have quiet time," Andy replied.

"I do agree love," I replied as I looked up at Andy who was smiling contently at me.

I turned my head enough to reach up to his lips and kiss him.

I could feel him smile partway through the kiss.

I giggled against his lips.

"What's so funny?" Andy asked.

"You didn't shave this morning, did you? Your scruff is ticklish against my face," I commented.

Andy laughed.

"Does it bother you?" Andy asked as he kissed me once more.

I pulled away to answer.

"No it doesn't bother me it just was a surprise I guess," I replied as he kissed me once more.

"I was thinking about growing a beard for the new year," Andy remarked.

"Oooh really? I think you'd look really handsome with it," I replied as I traced his face with my finger.

"I just want something different ya know darling?" Andy commented as he closed his eyes.

"Andy Gibb with beard. I like that concept," I told him.

Andy chuckled.

"Having your support is all that matters," Andy replied as we readjusted so I was laying on his chest again.

"I will always support your decisions, well that does depend on the circumstances," I replied chuckling.

"If I said I wanted to skydive, would you let me?" Andy joked.

"Oh hell no. You got a pretty face and a life to risk losing," I replied chuckling.

Andy laughed.

"Good point darling," Andy replied kissing the top of my head.

What a way to spend the afternoon. 

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