Chapter 52

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With us now in the process of moving, so many things were on my mind. We had seen 2 properties in the Hollywood Hills area over the last week. One was over our initial budget. The other property was everything a country girl dreamed of. It had the white barns, the picket fences, and most of all, the biggest area where Biscuit and any other animals we may decide to adopt can wander about the land.

"When are we looking to actually move out love? I need to get an idea for getting boxes and stuff. Oh and to move that stuff in storage from my apartment. Wait I could sell that stuff," I told Andy as we were at the table writing down notes about the move.

"Well, I hope we can get settled into a place by early September. I know it was sort of last minute but I think that second property since we put down a downpayment on, it will be ours," Andy told me.

"Ok so hypothetically speaking, let's say we have the house, ya know speaking into existence, how soon will we know and how soon should we start packing?" I asked him.

I always had to plan 5 years ahead. 

"Well, we should get moving boxes probably like now darling. Now for the rest, I think after we hear about the downpayment offer that's when we should get things in gear," Andy explained.

"Then we got to also file for an address change to. That's gonna take a while for all the stuff we have," I jotted down.

"I know darling but I can get my personal assistant to get that done for us while we focus on the other odds and ends for the move," Andy told me.

"Ok, that'll work," I told him as I jotted down more notes.

If I didn't write it down, I would forget by that night.

"But everything will be smooth darling I promise. I just really hope we got the house with our downpayment," Andy told me.

"It will. You have to speak it into existence. We will be at the new house in September," I told him as I looked over my notes.

"Oh yes, we will be at the new house in Hollywood Hills in September," Andy commented.

"Bingo. It's this thing called the law of attraction. You don't chase, you attract," I told my husband who was completely mind blown by my statement. 

"The law of attraction? Dang darling you sound like a philosopher now," Andy joked.

"Haha well, I learned a lot about spirituality. I don't know why it works but it does," I explained to him.

"So like if I was like "I will get to kiss my wife" it'll work?" Andy asked with a smirk.

I laughed.

"Well I mean," I told him as I turned to face him.

I looked at him and chuckled.

"Well?" I asked him.

"What?" Andy asked.

"Aren't you gonna get that wish?" I asked him.

"Oh right," Andy replied as he leaned in to kiss me.

"Love you are so silly," I told him.

"But it worked didn't it?" Andy asked.

"Yes but use it for bigger and better things," I urged him.

"Ok fine darling I promise I will," Andy told me as I got up from the table to go put my little notebook away.

"So this thing about law of attraction. Do you have to do anything in particular?" Andy asked from behind me

I was heading to our bedroom to put my notebook away.

It was like I set off an atomic bomb in his head and his curiosity was dying for information.

"Well yes and no. Your intentions have to be pure love," I told him as I put my notebook in my side table.

"So it has to be positive and pure?" Andy asked as we walked back out of the bedroom towards the living room.

"Yes," I commented.

"Got it. I kind of have an idea of how to use this now," Andy told me.

"Just don't tell anyone of the things that are "already yours." It's important you keep it between you and the universe," I explained to my husband as I sat down on the couch.

"So it's like a secret?" Andy asked me.

It's like I had inserted a dollar into him and he wouldn't stop talking. Was I complaining? No. It was cute how curious he was.

"Sort of like a secret," I told him as I grabbed the TV guide to skim.

"If I have any more questions darling I'll ask," Andy remarked.

"I'm your girl for that," I told him happily.

"So anything good on today?" Andy asked after a few minutes of silence.

I shook my head.

"Well they have repeat episodes of Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie. Oh, they have an ABC afterschool special on," I rambled on. 

"A ABC afterschool special?" Andy asked.

"Yeah I mean we could watch if you want but I mean they aren't always the greatest," I told him as I read the description. 

"Starstruck? That sounds like a teen idol story," Andy commented as he read it with me.

"I thought so too. We don't have to watch it. We could watch something else," I told him.

"Is Tattletales or Match Game on? I need a good laugh," Andy asked.

"Oh yes starting at 2 they are, "I told him as I glanced down at my watch.

"We could watch those darling if you'd like," Andy asked me.

"Of course, that's fine love," I told him.

"So what else do we need to plan for the move darling? Do you have anything on your mind?" Andy asked me as he went to turn the TV on.

"Well do we need to switch banks or such? Or do we need to let our friends know yet?" I asked him.

"I think that there is Crocker Banks in that part of California darling," Andy joked.

I turned red.

"Oh, true well the thing about the family and friends thing though. Do we wait till we get the confirmation on the house?" I asked him.

"I think we should wait on that only because if we don't end up moving ya know," Andy told me.

"Good point. But other than that, that's all I can think of," I told him.

"Let's try and relax darling for a little bit," Andy told me as the first episode of Tattletales begin to play.

"I will try but I know my brain won't shut off," I told him.

"Let's just get some good laughs in," Andy nudged me.

Here was to planning and relaxing. 

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