Chapter 103

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After Andy had a  cough for a week, it finally went away. But, that meant I had barely slept the last few days. So, I had a horrible migraine all day. The worse part? I was at work for most of the day with the headache looming. Andy didn't want me driving to work so he dropped me off though he begged me to call in.

My boss knew I wasn't feeling well so he made sure that I was doing something easy despite him urging me to go home.

I was almost done with work so I phoned Andy to let him know I'd be ready.

"If you ever feel like this again, please don't hesitate to call in," John told me.

"Thanks John I appreciate it but with the holidays coming up, I cannot afford to miss any days,"  I replied as I clocked out.

"Don't forget we do give out Christmas bonuses at the beginning of December so if something like this happens again, you are covered," John reassured me.

"John I do appreciate it so much. Thank you for being compassionate," I commented as he walked me out to the parking lot where Andy was waiting.

"Enjoy your days off and hope you feel better," John told me as Andy got out to open the door for me.

"Thank you John. Take care," I told him as Andy helped me settle into the car.

I got buckled up and closed my eyes as we left.

"How's the headache, darling?" Andy asked quietly.

I sighed.

"Still there. Not much different than this morning," I told him.

"We will take care of you, darling," Andy reassured me as he held my hand protectively.

I kept my eyes closed as we continued our journey home.

"I got dinner already done so you don't have to worry about that," Andy told me.

"The thought of food makes me nauseous with this headache," I told him.

"You gotta eat something small even if it is only a few bites," Andy told me.

"I will try. I cannot wait to take these clothes off," I commented as we pulled up to our 5-acre ranch.

"I can imagine how annoying they are darling," Andy told me as he typed the code in and drove up to the house.

"Right," I mumbled.

And so we arrived at home and every step I took felt like I was walking on bricks.

"Here we are darling," Andy said lovingly as we arrived in the house.

I kicked my shoes off, ripped my jacket off, and headed upstairs slowly to take my contacts out and put on comfy pants and an oversized shirt.

Andy got some tea going as he came upstairs to check on me.

"How are you doing?" Andy asked as he leaned against the door frame.

I was sitting on the bed cleaning my glasses. Did I forget to tell you guys I wore glasses? What a time to find out 4 years after our meeting. 

"Somewhat better now that I don't have my contacts in nor do I have those freaking corduroy pants bothering me," I commented.

Andy chuckled.

"That's my girl," Andy remarked.

"Uh-huh," I replied as I leaned back on the bed and put my hands on my face.

"I'll go get you some tea and be up here to join you," Andy told me sweetly.

"Sounds good," I replied mumbled.

I had taken so much Tyneol today that I couldn't take anymore till a lot later. 

I was really wanting a nap but I was so thirsty at the same time.

I knew it was a sleep-deprived headache. 

"Here we are darling," Andy remarked as he entered the bedroom with a cup of tea.

I sat up slowly as Andy put the tea on the side table.

"Now I'm going to get comfy so we can try and make you feel better or at least nap," Andy told me as he kissed my temple.

I just smiled at him as I adjusted the pillows on the bed.

I watched him aimlessly walk around the bedroom. First taking his shoes off, finding his favorite sweatpants, etc. Even though we've been together, I still close my eyes in embarrassment if he changes in front of me.

Andy noticed my movements.

"Darling you make me laugh. You always act like you've never ever seen me like this before," Andy remarked as I heard him sliding his sweatpants on.

I groaned.

"It's, well, uh," I tried to reply.

Andy hovered over me.

I peeled my hands from my eyes.

"It's cute," Andy commented as he looked at me.

I rolled my eyes at his comment.

Andy stayed hovering over me for a second as he stared at me with love in his eyes.

"Are you gonna lay down with me or what?" I asked him.

"Yes if you would scoot back to your side of the bed," Andy chuckled.

I slowly scooted my body the other way as Andy lay down next to me.

"Would you mind if I played with your hair?" Andy asked me.

I shook my head which was not a good idea with a headache.

Andy began playing with my hair. He knew it was comforting for himself and knew I loved it too.

Andy's fingers were gentle on my scalp which helped the headache a bit.

After silence surrounded us, he spoke up.

"Any better?" Andy asked.

I sighed contently.

"I'm taking that as a yes," Andy chuckled to himself.

"Thank you for being the best. Have I ever told you I appreciate you?" I asked him mumbled.

Andy smiled as he left a few kisses on my face.

"Yes you have but it makes me feel good in here," Andy pointed to his heart.

I smiled at him.

"Have you sipped the tea yet since it cooled off?" Andy asked.

I still had yet eaten anything or drank anything.

"No I should huh," I replied sitting up.

"Yeah darling," Andy told me as he readjusted as I grabbed my mug.

I took a deep breath in and took a few gulps.

"How does it taste?" Andy asked.

"Good so good," I mumbled. 

"When can you take more Tylenol?" Andy asked.

"In like two hours," I told him.

"Ok darling come back here so we can hopefully nap," Andy told me lovingly.

"Sounds perfect," I told him as I crawled back into his arms.

Oh how I wish I felt better. 

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