Chapter 26

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"Happy Birthday love," I whispered as I entered the bedroom with a cup of coffee and a cupcake with a candle.

For this birthday, Andy wanted to stay home and do absolutely nothing. He just wanted a quiet day with me and his parents would come in for the afternoon.

Andy sleepily smiled at me and sat up.

"Thank you darling," Andy replied.

"Make a wish," I told him as I held the cupcake closer to his face.

Andy closed his eyes and then blew the candle out. I handed him the cupcake to enjoy.

I went to the closet to get his gift out.

"Do you want this now or just the cards?" I asked him as I noticed he had his mouthful.

I chuckled as I waited for a response.

"I mean I can open it this morning darling," Andy commented.

And so, I grabbed the two bags I had stuffed with random stuff over the last few weeks. This time for his birthday, I was clueless about what to get him. But, I managed to sneak a few surprises in.

"There is a lot of randomness in these. I was not consistent on what to give you this year," I told him as I handed him the bags.

I settled down next to him as I waited for him to begin opening the bags.

"Randomness? That makes it even better darling," Andy replied as he took the tissue paper out of one of the bags.

"I just didn't know exactly what to get you because I feel like all my other gifts the last few years have been way over the top and I didn't know how to top them," I replied quietly. 

Andy had just pulled out the box of Stetson. 

"No matter what the gift is darling, I will always love it," Andy replied as he unboxed the cologne to smell it.

I just watched him.

"Now I'm going to smell good," Andy joked.

I laughed.

"Yes well I know you like a good-smelling cologne so I saw Stetson and thought of you," I replied smiling.

"You know me well darling," Andy replied with a giant smile on his face.

This sort of exchange went on for a while. 

"Oh wow, a Mills Brothers cassette set? Darling this must have cost a fortune," Andy remarked.

"The price doesn't matter to me. I know you love them," I told him.

"I know what we are listening to later," Andy joked.

"Yes I know and I think it'll set the mood of your birthday perfectly," I told him.

Andy then found the box I was hoping he'd get to earlier. It was a brand-new watch. 

Andy unwrapped the little box and then smiled at me.

"How did you know I needed a new watch?" Andy asked.

"Well I knew that you stopped wearing that one a few weeks ago so I assumed it died and you needed a new one," I replied smiling.

"This one is perfect darling because it has that leather wristband," Andy replied as he pulled the watch out to set the time and put it on.

He was definitely distracted from the other big bag of stuff.

As he worked on getting the watch situated, the phone rang.

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