Chapter 106

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Halloween was slowly approaching and I didn't know if we wanted to do anything at all.  We had decorated a bit outside for Halloween while the Christmas tree in the den shined like it was the most wonderful time of the year.

"Are we gonna do anything for Halloween?" I asked Andy as we grocery-shopped.

"Ah well darling I don't know," Andy commented as he looked at Halloween candy.

"Well, do we want to hand out candy? I mean I don't know how many kids would come up the road to the ranch house. Unless we leave a bucket outside the gate," I contemplated. 

"The latter may be a better idea darling. I don't think anyone knows where we live and I would like to keep it that way," Andy told me as he looked through the bags of candy.

"Oh true I didn't even think about that," I remarked as I snuck some Hershey bars into the cart.

"How many bags are we gonna need?" Andy asked.

"I don't know we really don't know the neighbors and if they have kiddos or not,"  I told him as I snuck in Resse cups into the cart.

"We'll get two and if no one shows up, it'll just be for ourselves," Andy joked as he grabbed two bags of the random candy mixtures.

"Haha that's a little too much for two of us," I replied.

"Well we could use it as Christmas candy too," Andy joked as he looked puzzled in the cart.

"That would be old sort of speaking,"  I told him.

"How did these get in here?" Andy asked smirking at me as he held up a package of Hershey bars and Resses cups.

"Uhm," I commented.

"Don't be embarrassed darling. I think it's cute," Andy told me as he chuckled to himself.

"Good cause I really wanted them," I told him as we went to the checkout.

Andy wasn't wearing a baseball cap so we hoped that no one would recognize him.

We got through the checkout line and headed to the car.

I glanced up at the sky and it was cloudy.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't rain," I commented as we loaded the groceries into the car.

"You and your weather predictions are usually right," Andy smiled to himself.

"Yep,"  I said nudging him.

"Let's head home darling," Andy told me as he opened the door for me.

I settled into the car as Andy did the same.

"Anywhere else darling?" Andy asked as he put the car into drive.

"Nope take us home love,"  I told him.

"Your wish is my command," Andy smiled at me.

I smiled as we drove home.

As we drove up the road to our ranch house, I glanced at the neighbors. Hardly anyone looked like they had kids at all.

"The neighbors don't really look like they have kids," I told Andy as we pulled up to our house.

"Oh well we can still do the bucket thing and a sign just in case," Andy told me as he parked.

"Okie dokie," I commented as I unbuckled.

Andy and I headed to grab our groceries from the trunk.

"So here is my million-dollar question, are we dressing up?" Andy asked me as we walked up to the porch.

"Oh I didn't even think of that," I commented.

"We got like a week to prepare darling," Andy told me.

"Wait you want to dress up for Halloween?" I asked as we entered the house.

"Yeah, why?" Andy asked sort of shy.

"I think it's cute you wanna dress up. I love when your inner child comes out during the holidays," I told him.

Andy blushed.

"Darling," Andy told me.

"What it's true!" I told him as we went to lock the car up and came back in to unload.

"I love you," Andy told me.

"I love you most,"  I told him as we begin to put our groceries up.

Ah what a wonderful day with my husband.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now