Chapter 116

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I woke up to the sound of rustling. It was Christmas morning. I glanced at the clock and it was a little before 5. 

I looked to see if Andy was the one making the noise. He was in the hall with the living room lights on.

"Love?" I called out to him.

Andy popped back into the bedroom.

"Your dreaming," Andy commented as he looked at me.

"No, I'm not," I replied.

"Yes you are," Andy told me as he left the room but shut the door this time.

I closed my eyes and eventually dosed back off.

The next time I woke up was Andy readjusting and draping an arm across me protectively. I looked at the clock and it was 10 till 8.

I flipped to face Andy who was obviously awake.

"Merry Christmas," I whispered to Andy.

"Merry Christmas lovey," Andy whispered back.

"When do you want to get up and open presents?" I asked him.

Andy stifled a yawn.

"Whenever you want to darling," Andy replied.

"I need coffee first," I joked.

"Let me go get us some," Andy told me as he stood up and disappeared downstairs.

I sat up and stretched in bed. I went and turned the TV on to see what Christmas stuff was on. It was hard to believe a week from today, the New Year would be here.

As I settled back down, Andy came back up with the coffee.

"Here we are darling," Andy remarked as he handed me my cup of coffee.

"Thank you," I replied as I took a few long sips.

Andy smiled as he settled back into bed next to me.

"Were you up around 5 this morning?" I asked him as Andy adjusted the covers over his legs.

Andy was quiet for a second.

"N-no darling I don't think I was," was Andy's defense.

All I could think about was what did he do for Christmas that was a surprise?

"Oh cause I must have been dreaming you were in the hall," I replied as I flipped the channels.

Andy looked mischievous.

"You must have darling," Andy told me as he leaned against the headboard.

I chuckled to myself.

"I think we will wait to open gifts till after were ready if that's ok?" I asked Andy.

"That's fine darling of course. Also, I'm sure our parents will be calling," Andy told me.

"Should we wait for the calls or just start getting ready?" I asked Andy.

"Well go ahead and get started darling if you'd like. I can wait by the phone for them," Andy replied to me.

"Are you sure I don't wanna be rude and," I began replying.

Andy cut me off by kissing me.

"Shush now go enjoy your shower," Andy told me after he pulled away.

"Coffee kisses," I mumbled to myself.

Andy laughed.

"Coffee kisses? What we've never kissed before?" Andy joked.

"Shut up," I told him as I gathered my stuff for my morning shower.

Andy quietly chuckled to himself.

I disappeared to take my shower and get ready.

After I showered, I came back to Andy on the phone.

"Who is it?" I asked him.

"Barry actually," Andy whispered back.

I settled on the bed with my makeup bag.

"Ok Merry Christmas I got another call waiting," Andy told Barry.

"Hello?" Andy asked into the phone.

Andy paused as he gestured the phone towards me.

"Merry Christmas Mom!" I spoke.

Andy chuckled to himself since I knew it was my mother.

My mom and I spoke for a while before she needed to hang up later.

"I need to get ready so we can go open gifts," I told Andy who was now getting dressed.

"Darling, Christmas is all day," Andy told me.

"I know," I told him as I began putting my makeup on.

Andy disappeared downstairs.

After I began doing my hair, the food aroma filled my senses.

I brushed my curls out and then went downstairs still in my robe.

I popped into the kitchen.

"This is where you went," I commented with a chuckle.

"I figured we could use some breakfast," Andy told me.

"Oooh," I remarked as I glanced at where the Christmas tree sat.

There was boxes that I know that were not there last night.

"I think Santa came last night darling," Andy remarked after he saw my stare.

"Santa? Love," I remarked.

"I heard him," Andy told me confidently.

Imagine how he would be as a dad one day for Christmas.

"Is that so?" I asked chuckling.

"Yes," Andy told me.

I smiled at his childlike wonder. He really wanted this Christmas to feel magical.

"Breakfast is just about done," Andy told me as he turned the stove off.

He had made hashbrowns and eggs.

My stomach growled.

"Do you want mimosas this morning?" Andy asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," I commented as I went to the fridge and grabbed the OJ and the champagne.

"Then after breakfast, we can go open presents," Andy told me as he got the champagne flutes down.

"Sounds perfect,"  I told Andy who was popping the bottle of champagne open.

To a cozy little Christmas here with you. 

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