Chapter 72

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We arrived in Germany a little before 6 p.m. I called Karen and my own parents to let them know we landed safely. Andy did the same thing by calling his family before we called room service to enjoy dinner in the room.

After 10+ hours of traveling, we were both exhausted.

"I'm glad our flights were able to get earlier flights but I am so tired," Andy commented as we unpacked a few of our things.

We were in Munich for the next 3 days. Andy had a few television appearances to film and one photo session in between the days.

"Well, at least we can eat dinner here at the hotel tonight and then tomorrow we can do some exploring after your first taping," I commented as I yawned.

"Don't do that darling," Andy replied stifling a yawn.

I chuckled as I found my pajamas for the night and put them aside so I could get ready for bed quickly after we ate dinner. 

"So how long did they say it would be before the room service would be here?" I asked him.

"About 30 minutes," Andy replied as he put his pajama bottoms on the bed.

"My eyes are so tired," I replied as I went to the bathroom to take my makeup off.

"I know darling I feel it too in my eyes," Andy replied as he followed me to the bathroom sink.

I turned on the water to get it warm before getting the little hotel soap bar and wash cloth suds up to get my mascara and foundation off. Even though I shouldn't have worn makeup to travel but I didn't want to look ugly with paparazzi on our tails.

Andy wrapped his arms around me as I took my makeup off. This was the most tired I had seen him in months.

"You look like you are gonna fall asleep any second," I commented as I went to grab a towel to pat my face dry.

Andy smiled.

"I could easily fall asleep right now but I'm also starving," Andy remarked.

I chuckled as I turned around to face him.

"Once we eat, sleep is gonna be our best friend," I told him as I kissed his cheek.

Andy smiled.

"I like your plan darling," Andy replied as there was a knock on our door.

"Food is here," I commented excitedly.

Andy chuckled as he went and opened the door. The room service guy brought the cart in and Andy tipped him.

After he left, we grabbed our plates and devoured the food. All we mainly had all day was snacks. We finished dinner and headed to the showers pretty quickly.

By 9:30 we were in bed, ready to sleep our troubles away.

Andy and I adjusted and got comfortable in bed. One thing that I hated about traveling was not having your own pillows.

"Sleep well darling," Andy whispered.

"Good night Andrew I love you," I mumbled back.

Andy kissed my forehead as we fell asleep.

The next thing I remember was waking up to the sound of the toilet flushing. I opened one eye and the clock read 6:30. 

Andy was missing from bed.

"Love?" I called out.

Andy then appeared from the bathroom at the sink to wash his hands.

"Sorry darling I couldn't stay in bed any longer my bladder was gonna burst," Andy commented as he started the coffee pot.

I sat up and stretched and decided to make myself awake.

I went to the restroom and then came out to find Andy sitting on the edge of the bed channel surfing all the German channels.

"Do you understand any of that at all? The language is so complex," I asked as I sat down next to him.

"No honestly darling I have no idea. The only German phrase is Wurstchen," Andy remarked as he yawned.

"What is that?" I asked him.

"Hot dog. That is the only thing I memorized for some reason," Andy replied.

I shook my head at his comment.

"Anyhow I have to be at that one studio at 9:30 so I think if we start getting ready, we can go have a nice morning together before the taping," Andy replied. 

"Sounds good to me. Do you wanna get ready first or?" I asked Andy.

"Just do your normal morning routine darling," Andy told me sweetly.

"Okie dokie," I replied as I gathered my stuff to get ready.

And so, today would be fast but filled with great memories.

After getting ready, the both of us managed to find a small hole-in-the-wall breakfast place not too far from the hotel. Andy wore a baseball cap so nobody could tell it was him.

"Do you think we need to bring the security guard next time for dinner tonight?" I whispered to him.

We were in a small booth in the back of the restaurant. 

"As long as no one notices my voice or even you we will be fine," Andy reassured. 

"Ok sounds good love I just worry about you," I told him.

"You shouldn't worry about me darling. I worry about you," Andy whispered back as the waitress brought us food.

We continued our nice morning together before we were whisked away to the studio where he'd be filming some promos for some new songs.

Everyone had heavy German accents and I could barely understand a word they said. I just followed Andy and his entire entourage and followed orders and things they told me to do.

In one of the tapings of sounds, the producers had me sit in the audience to cheer Andy on. Good thing this was only for overseas and no one would know who I was I prayed.

After a long morning doing celebrity stuff with Andy, we arrived back at the hotel for a few to take a breather before heading off to another studio for an interview. 

Andy was getting tired by 5 but still wanted us to go out to dinner.

"Are you sure you want to go out? I won't be mad love. You look exhausted,"I told him.

We were getting ready for dinner with his entourage.

"We have to at least for a while so it looks good to Robert," Andy replied yawning.

"If you say so," I told him.

Germany would be one tired chapter for the books. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu