Chapter 131

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After a long day of listening to demo tapes, I was bone tired when I got home.

I came into the house and it was quiet. Andy's car was missing from the driveway. I walked into the kitchen after putting my stuff away.

I came to the kitchen where a bouquet of flowers and a card sat on the counter.

I smiled to myself as I walked up to the counter to read the card. 

"Roses for any occasion," I read to myself with a giant smile.

He wrote a sweet little message and apologized for not being able to have dinner with me due to the outfit fitting he was at.

Andy wouldn't be home till after 9. 

I did my normal night routine. I got my dinner warmed up. I got my nightly tea made. I was showered and ready for bed by 8:15.

I promised myself I'd stay awake to see Andy. But, my eyes felt sleepier every time they fluttered open and shut. 

The next thing I knew, I felt lips against my cheek.

"Huh?" I fluttered my eyes open.

"Hi lovey," Andy whispered.

"W-what time is it?" I asked squinting my eyes at him.

"It's 9:40 darling," Andy told me.

"I didn't think I would fall asleep," I mumbled as I sat up.

My neck was in a lot of pain from the way I dosed off.

"Ouch," I commented as I rubbed my neck.

"Did you have a good day?" Andy asked.

"For the most part. I listened to at least 50 demo tapes today," I remarked yawning.

"Wow that's crazy darling well let me get ready and we can go to bed?" Andy asked as he held out his hand to me.

"Sounds perfect," I told him as I held my neck as we walked. 

I had my tea mug in the other hand as we went up the stairs

"Are you ok?" Andy asked as we walked up the stairs.

"The way I fell asleep made my neck hurt," I told him.

"Let me get ready for bed and I can give you a little massage to help your neck," Andy told me kindly.

"Thanks love," I told him with a small smile.

Andy got ready for bed and as he was in the shower, I went and grabbed some Tylenol from the bathroom cabinet. 

"Hi darling," Andy commented as I grabbed the Tylenol bottle from the cabinet. 

"I hope the meds kick in. My god does it hurt to move my neck," I remarked as I took the two capsules.

"I'll finish here and I'll be all yours," Andy told me sweetly.

"Thanks love," I commented as I popped my head in the curtain to steal a kiss.

"Mmmm," Andy mumbled against my lips.

I quickly disappeared back to the bedroom waiting for Andy.

The TV was on and nothing good that I liked was on. 

Andy came out after a few. He always smelt so good. 

"I think I always say it but you always smell so good," I told him.

Andy laughed.

"Thanks darling. It's that body wash you gave me for my birthday. The one with cedarwood and citrus," Andy remarked. 

"I thought it smelled good in the bottle but on you, it smells 1000 times better," I told him.

Andy chuckled at my comment.

"Ok, so which side does your neck hurt darling?" Andy asked as he came over to where I was sitting on the bed.

"This side," I gestured to the right side of my neck.

Andy took his hands gently over to the side and used his thumb to feel for the knot.

"Ouch right there," I mumbled as he found where my neck kink was.

Andy took his thumb gently over it and put light pressure.

"Ouch ouch," I remarked.

"I got to knead the knot out darling," Andy commented.

Andy moved his hands to give more of an all over-neck massage.

It started feeling better but I was hoping that I could sleep it off.

"Any better?" Andy asked as he paused.

 "Yes actually but I would like to lay down for the night," I told him.

Andy kissed my neck then my face.

"Thank you love," I told him as I returned a few kisses.

"Now let's get comfy," Andy told me as I got off the bed to unmake it.

Andy adjusted his side and I did the same.

I crawled into bed and Andy did the same.

I adjusted my pillow so that I could still be elevated just enough to see Andy's face and the TV.

Andy settled beside me. I had closed my eyes to rest them.

"Are you sleepy?" Andy asked with a low chuckle.

"Maybe. I did have a long day and my neck still feels like shit," I remarked mumbled.

Andy leaned over and kissed my neck again. 

"That ain't gonna fix it," I remarked.

"I know but it feels good doesnt it?" Andy asked smiling.

"True," I remarked as I kept my eyes closed.

"I won't get mad if you wanna go to sleep," Andy told me.

"Oh good good night love," I commented as I opened my eyes real quick to see where Andy was at.

"Good night darling," Anndy leaned into to kiss me goodnight.

I sleepily smiled as I drifted off to dreamland. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now