Chapter 81

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After getting back from Chicago, Andy and I was whisked away on another taping of a show. This time we filmed the Dick Cavett show. Andy's management thought it would be good exposure for him and I to appear together for the first time ever in a professional setting. Though we had been together forever and I had been by his side at premieres and concerts, they wanted things to focus on Andy's "behind closed doors" life.

"So we got two pretty important people tonight on the show. Both are in the music industry and found out that love was not just in songs, would you please welcome Mr. Andy Gibb and (Y/N) Gibb," Cavett announced.

Andy and I were already sitting down and stood up as the audience clapped.

"Thank you," we both told him.

"So first off, Andy, you actually found love in the business. How rare do you say that is?" Cavett asked him.

"Well not necessarily in the business because (Y/N) worked a vinyl record shop. That's how we met," Andy explained to Cavett and the audience.

"You worked at a record vinyl shop?" Cavett asked me.

"Yes I did. I worked there through most of our relationship actually. I always kept Andy his Mills Brothers stuff to buy," I joked.

The audience and Cavett laughed.

"The Mills Brothers have had an influence on your music?" Cavett asked Andy.

"Yes especially on my brothers. The harmony parts are where they got the inspiration," Andy explained.

"Going back to your personal life, how did you balance the relationship? I mean obviously, you did really well to be married for the last 2 years," Cavett commented.

"I mean its not always perfect. What you see on the outside isn't always true. But, there isn't anything we hide from anyone either," I started off.

"We learn from each other every day. We don't go to bed angry. We love each other very much," Andy told Cavett.

"How do you deal with the bouts of jealousy and such? I'm sure trust has been tested in your time together," Cavett asked.

"When we do fight, I'll be honest it gets ugly. Not physical just a lot of loaded words and emotions," Andy started off.

"Yeah it does get ugly but we end up figuring a way to come together and talk and work on it,"  I replied.

"Now Andy, how do you keep work separate from your personal life and love life?" Cavett asked Andy.

"Oh boy, sometimes it is really hard. I can try and plan something really nice for the two of us and an agent calls and books me something in the same time frame. There is some overlapping but also separation as well. Work sometimes has its downfall but we manage to keep it separate for the most part," Andy explained.

"And what do you do for work now? Do you still work at the record store? " Cavett asked me.

"I'm a technician at a record label. I help with recording sessions, I file the master tapes, etc. I worked at the record store as I went through college and such,"  I explained.

"You went to college?" Cavett asked as a follow-up.

"Yes I have my bachelors in Fine Arts and Music," I responded.

"Andy you got a really smart lady," Cavett told him.

Andy smiled really big.

"Yeah she is a smart cookie," Andy replied proudly.

"We'll be right back after this short commercial break," Cavett commented as we went off the air for 60 seconds. 

"Am I doing ok?" I whispered to Andy.

"Yes of course darling you are doing absolutely fine," Andy whispered back.

Some makeup people came and powdered our faces and such. Weird to be a star!

"Ok people back in your places," someone called out.

Then some music played as we came back on the air for the rest of the interview.

"Before our break we were talking with Andy Gibb and his wife, (Y/N), how do you guys manage to keep a normal life?" Cavett started the second half of the interview.

We both laughed.

"Nothing has ever been normal. But I guess we live in our own normal," Andy commented.

"Yeah it's been a crazy ride as long as we've been together but it's been a wonderful experience getting to love and know him," I told him.

"How do you keep the normal though? Does the paparazzi get to you guys?" Cavett asked.

"Not so much anymore," Andy commented.

"I think it gets worse when you feed into it," I remarked.

And so the taping continued on as did the questions. Being a star in my own movie I suppose.

Authors Note:

Hi loves! Just a posting schedule update:NEXT WEEK, I will be on vacation so book updates will be as follows:I will post a SPECIAL CHAPTER on Sunday, May 21st.As usual, no updates on Monday-Tuesday.HOWEVER, Wednesday and Thursday there will be NO UPDATES. Only on Friday and Saturday.Thank you for all the support on my books! I didn't realize how many people still love Andy and Karen. 

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