Chapter 166

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"I can't believe it's Christmas Eve Eve," I remarked as I gathered the gifts for Karen.

It was December 23rd. It was hard to believe Christmas was basically over again for the year. It was my favorite time of year.

I was currently getting Karen's stuff ready to give her. She was swinging by to do our gift exchange.

"Which plate of goodies is Karen's?" Andy asked from the kitchen.

"The one with the yellow gold bow,"  I replied as I put the stuff in a bag so it would be easier for her to carry.

"Got it darling," Andy replied.

After a few minutes of silence, the doorbell rang. 

Of course, it was KC.

"Hi merry Christmas!" I remarked as I opened the door.

"Hello! Merry Christmas you guys," Karen told us as she walked in.

I led her to the living room.

"These are for you guys," Karen told me as she handed me a bag with presents.

"And these are yours. And those are also yours," I gestured to the plate of goodies on the table.

"You're the best thank you.  I was dying for one of those chocolate chip cookies a few nights ago," Karen told me chuckling.

"She does make a mean chocolate chip cookie. Heck, anything she bakes is divine," Andy remarked.

I smiled.

"You both are too much," I replied shaking my head.

"Of course we are darling. You are the only one who can handle our personalities," Andy joked.

Karen and I both laughed.

"I guess that's sort of true," I remarked chuckling.

"Anyhow you guys are going up to Vermont next week?" Karen asked changing the subject.

"Yes we are I'm so excited," I told her.

"I like the idea of snow in the winter," Andy remarked.

"That's one thing I miss about Connecticut.  I should think about getting a winter home in Connecticut," Karen explained.

"I totally feel that KC. The idea of a cold winter is my favorite concept. Though, California is a nice concept for no digs out of snow," I commented.

"True I don't know how my jag would do in the snow," Karen told me.

"I can only imagine how my Porsche would do in snow," Andy analyzed.

"That's why you have a separate car like mine which is just a normal Toyota," I chuckled.

They both laughed.

"Good point," Karen chuckled.

"Right," I commented back.

Karen glanced at the time.

"I hate cutting this short but I better get going. My mom wants me at their house at 1 to help with some baking," Karen told me as she stood up.

"Well thank you for everything and Merry Christmas KC," I told her as she hugged me then gave Andy a quick hug.

"Of course thank you both for everything as well," Karen remarked as we walked to the front door.

I carried the cookies for her while she carried the bags of presents. 

"When do you get back from Vermont?" Karen asked as we walked down the stairs.

"The 2nd," I told her.

"Ok so on the 3rd or 4th, would you like to get brunch or something?" Karen asked as she popped her trunk open as we set down everything in the back.

"That sounds perfect. Where at?" I asked Karen.

Andy chuckled as he stood at the steps.

"Erm I'll think about it and call you about it," Karen remarked chuckling.

"Haha sounds good KC. Merry Christmas again," I told her as she shut her trunk and walked to the driver's side.

"Merry Christmas you guys. Take care," Karen told us before she settled into her car.

And so, Karen pulled away from the house as Andy and I walked back up the stairs inside.

"Just to think in 3 days we will be headed for Vermont," Andy commented as we shut the front door.

"Crazy how time works," I told him.

"Definitely but hey at least we've made it a tradition to go back to Vermont at least once a year for you," Andy told me.

"It was the best idea ever and I am so grateful for it," I told Andy as I went to the kitchen.

"And hopefully we can try and do this at Thanksgiving too," Andy told me.

"That would be so nice but I mean I know sometimes your family wants to have us over too and I'm not gonna say no to Thanksgiving in Florida," I told him.

Andy laughed.

"That's my girl," Andy told me proudly.

"Yessum," I told him as I went and grabbed a cookie out of the container in the kitchen.

"Couldn't wait till KC left huh?" Andy chuckled.

"I'm gonna devour this damn cookie with milk and yes I am ladylike around people outside this house," I told him.

Andy laughed.

"Oh damn darling," Andy shook his head.

"I baked them all so the least I deserve is one of them from the batch," I told him.

"That's true darling," Andy chuckled as he copied me and grabbed a cookie.

Merry Christmas Eve Eve my friends.

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