Chapter 19

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"Darling why are you home so early?" Andy asked confused as I was standing in front of him.

With the Christmas season over and New Years' tomorrow, I made myself a New Years' Resolution. Though, he was part of the reason why I did so.

"I quit today at the record store. I told Big Boss two weeks ago that I was no longer going to be here and since tomorrow is New Year's Day and we are closed, we got everything done early," I replied quietly.

Andy's face looked like he was in shock.  I finally did it. I finally left the record store. But only because of my degree I was ready to try and pursue it in the New Year. I was going to take a few weeks off before hitting the pavement running.

"Y-you quit? Like for reals this time darling? What about Johnny and Levi?" Andy asked.

"They are ok with it. They understood that it was time for me to grow up and the New Year was perfect timing to do so," I replied as Andy still stared at me.

"T-that means I have you all to myself for now, well at least till you get a new job but no pressure darling," Andy commented as he stood up to hug me.

I sighed.

"I'm so proud of you darling," Andy whispered in my ear.

"I-I finally did it," I whispered back.

Andy had his face nuzzled into my neck and kissed it.

"You will still have your independence darling I promise," Andy commented as he looked at me with pride in his eyes.

The record store was my first home away from home when I moved out to California to attend college. But, as everyone does, they find a way to grow up and I did.

Andy let go of the embrace, but it was only temporary.

"We need to celebrate darling more than just ringing in the New Year tonight. What do you say about going out to eat?" Andy asked curiously.

I was not going to say no to dinner but I didn't really wanna be out on New Year's Eve with drunk drivers and such.

"I would love dinner but what if we brought it home or ordered out from home? I really don't like us going out on New Years' Eve because of drunk drivers," I replied sweetly to Andy.

"Then we will get something sent to the house and we will celebrate from the comfort of our home," Andy replied proudly.

"And we can ring in the New Year with maybe a bottle of champagne as well?" I asked Andy curiously.

"That we can do darling," Andy replied as he came over and wrapped me in another hug, and kissed my forehead.

"What is with the affection today?" I asked chuckling.

I wasn't really complaining. But I always liked hearing Andy's reasoning. 

"I am so proud of you darling and I just, the thought of you being home now and actually taking care of yourself has been my big worry most of the year," Andy whispered to me.

I sighed happily as he tightened the embrace he had on me.

"I made it my New Year's resolution to make myself and my mental health a number one priority even if it doesn't often show on the outside. Not that Big Boss was being rude the last few months or even the year but it was time for me to go," I replied in a soft voice to Andy.

"So what should I make as my New Year's Resolution? It has to be something about you," Andy said as he gestured to me.

"Well, you got more time to love on me," I joked.

It was like a light bulb went off in his head. Andy scooped me up in his arms bridal style.

"Woah where are we going?" I asked him.

Andy walked us to the bedroom as he was not wanting to stand up hugging me. He had his eye on the prize.

"I didn't mean literally love on me," I commented as we arrived at the doorway of our room.

"A few cuddles and kisses ain't gonna kill you, darling," Andy replied quietly.

I caved in as we walked to the bed and lay down. He placed me down gently on the bed. 

Andy just stared at me as I adjusted my pillows. Biscuit had followed us up here and was at the bay window staring out to the backyard.

"Now where were we?" Andy asked as he lowered his voice and sat down next to me.

"You were professing your love for me by telling me you wanted to cuddle and kiss me now that I am free from responsibilities," I commented.

Andy chuckled at my comment as he brought me closer for him to hold.

"Professing is a little underused. It's more like a confession of how much I love and adore you," Andy whispered to me as he kissed my forehead.

"And I love you," I replied back as I laid my head on his chest.

I could hear his heart beating fast.

"Love, your heartbeat needs to calm down," I whispered to him.

"It's your fault darling," Andy chuckled.

"How?" I asked as I sat up temporarily to look at him.

"Because you make me feel things I've never felt before and continue to do so," Andy replied in a serious tone.

I looked at him and he had a serious look on his face. He wasn't joking or teasing. He was dead serious.

"That's not a bad thing, is it?" I asked worriedly as I sat up.

Andy sighed as he sat up with me. 

I felt like I had ruined the entire vibe.

"Darling, I, well, no it is not a bad thing. Don't be such an overthinker. It's a good thing that you make me feel all these emotions and feelings," Andy commented as he reached to hold my face.

"Is it silly for me to ask questions like that I mean for goodness' sake were married and I just," I began to reply.

Andy didn't let me finish my sentence. He was famous for cutting me off by kissing me and he did it once more.

In the kiss, you could feel his emotions of love, lust, happiness, etc. 

Andy pulled away temporarily and spoke.

"You are my desire. You are my everything and this is where I always want to be," Andy whispered as he went back to kissing my face and all over my neck.

I couldn't even find the right words to reply to him except the three words that I knew would make his heart accelerate.

"I love you," I whispered to him.

Andy paused and moved closer to my ear.

"And I love you so much with my entire being," Andy replied as he kissed my ear gently.

I sighed happily at him and kissed his forehead as he was hovering over me.

It would be a New Years' Eve that I wouldn't forget. So long to my old life. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now