Chapter 142

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"So whatcha gonna do sweetheart?" Andy asked me as I sat in an urgent care room.

I managed to sprain my right arm after slipping in the kitchen after I had mopped. I thought the floor had been dry enough but dumb me in trusting the floor.

"Well I can't drive for 7 days but at least I did it on a Thursday so I can rest up till Monday," I told Andy as we waited for the sling from the nurse.

The nurse came in at this time to put the sling on my arm.

"So you should sleep with this on. When you shower, keep your arm like this against you as you shower," the nurse explained.

"Ok sounds good," I replied as she inserted my arm into the sling.

"The good thing is you avoided the swelling with the ice and heat you did yesterday before coming in today so you should be good by next Thursday or so to take this off," the nurse told me.

"Oh, a week? Okay,"  I remarked.

"Make sure she doesn't do anything to stretch or stress the muscle she sprained. It can make it worse and cause her to need surgery instead. You may also want her to wear button-up shirts or such to make it easier to get dressed,"  the nurse told Andy.

Andy looked at me with those infamous eyes.

"Will do. Thank you," Andy told her.

The nurse adjusted the strap one more time before grabbing my chart and taking me to the front desk.

"Schedule her for a follow-up next Friday," the nurse told the secretary.

I sighed as I felt defeat coming on already. It was bad enough I'd be in a sling for a week but to not have access to my right hand that I'm dominant in, forget it.

The ride home was quiet. Andy held my left hand as we drove. Every so often, he'd give it a squeeze.

"I'll be here to help don't worry," Andy told me before we got out of the car as we arrived home.

I sighed.

We walked up the steps to the house and as soon as we entered the house, I kicked my shoes off.

"I'm gonna go get comfy," I told Andy.

"Nuh uh without me. You are gonna need me to help you change your clothes," Andy scolded.

I laughed at his tone with me like I was a little girl.

"Fine then come change me," I told him as I went up the stairs.

Andy chuckled as he followed me up the stairs.

I went to my drawers and took out a hoodie and sweatpants. 

"Darling the nurse said to wear button-ups to make it," Andy began telling me.

I turned and gave him my resting bitch face look.

"Ok never mind we will get you in the hoodie," Andy remarked a little unsure of what to say to not piss me off.

Andy came and took the sling off my arm. We managed to get my left arm out of the shirt  I was wearing first and slid it over my head down the right arm.

"Now how we gonna put this one on you?" Andy commented as he gently placed the hoodie over my head.

"Well, I got my left arm in like this morning. And then, like this, ow," I remarked as we slipped my arm into the sleeve.

"That wasn't so bad," Andy commented.

"For you. That hurt like a little bitch," I remarked as I shook my sweatpants out.

"I'm sorry darling," Andy remarked as he left a kiss on my arm as he helped adjust the sling over me.

"Ok help me take my pants off," I told him.

"I thought you'd never ask," Andy joked.

I smacked his chest with my good hand.

"Too soon?" Andy asked.

"Well no shit," I told him as I went and sat down.

"This is repayment for all the times you helped me get out of my leather in the last 7 years," Andy told me as we switched from my jeans to my sweatpants.

"Thanks love," I told him as he helped me pull them up and tied them for me.

"Of course darling," Andy told me as he kissed my forehead.

"Now what are we gonna do the rest of the day?" I asked him.

"How about I go make some lunch and we just stay in bed and rest up?" Andy asked me.

"Sounds perfect," I commented as I leaned in to kiss him.

"Now go lay down little girl I'll be back in a few," Andy told me as he shooed me to the bed.

I walked over to the bed and sat up against my pillow.

"Here's the channel darling. I'll be back," Andy told me as he kissed my cheek.

I smiled to myself as it truly was a full circle moment of love and life. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now