Chapter 182

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"My head hurts so badly," I complained as I adjusted in bed.

The allergies were in full swing and the left side of my head was pounding.

"You too darling? I thought it was just me," Andy remarked.

I rubbed my left temple. It was like someone stuck a knife in my head.

"Yeah it's like my entire head was kicked in," Andy mumbled as we slowly sat up.

I was so dizzy.

"I thought I would have slept it off," I remarked.

"Darling the allergies and pollen are in our backyard they just wont disappear," Andy told me.

"I think I'm going to get some toast and take Tylenol. Wanna come?" I asked him as I turned to hang my legs off the bed.

"Yes wait for me," Andy remarked.

I slid my slippers on and together we shuffled downstairs.

"Ow ow ow," I complained as we walked down the stairs.

"I know darling the steps down the stairs aren't helping," Andy commented.

We walked to the kitchen.

Andy pulled the toaster out as I went to pour some orange juice.

"It's really awful how this is how we have to spend our Sunday morning," Andy remarked.

"I know love hopefully, the Tylenol will fix this," I told him.

Andy went and put two pieces of toast in the toaster as I went to the cabinet to get out Tylenol.

I kept some in the kitchen and the bathroom cabinet.

I closed my eyes as I leaned against the counter. I didn't want to fall or anything so I tried to center myself for a few.

The sound of the toaster popping threw my heart as I momentarily forgot where I was.

"Toast is done darling," Andy told me.

"I figured," I chuckled.

Andy took the toast out of the toaster. 

"Here we are," Andy handed me my piece of toast.

"Thanks love," I told him as I took a bite.

I scrunched my face as the chewing hurt my head.

"Are you ok darling?" Andy asked me as he ate.

"No it hurts to chew," I commented.

"Well you got a little bit of toast in your system, I would pop the Tylenol now," Andy told me.

"Okay," I told him.

I took the Tylenol and decided to go back upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Andy asked me as he finished taking his pills.

"Back upstairs. I'm still not feeling it," I told him.

"I'll be up in a few," Andy told me as I disappeared up the stairs.

I crawled back into bed and blankly stared at the ceiling.

I closed my eyes after a few seconds to try and recenter. I tried to focus the pain out of my body.

"Darling?" Andy's quiet voice lit up my ears.

"Hmmm?" I asked him.

"The tylenol hasn't kicked in yet?"  he asked.

"No," I replied defeated.

"Come here," he remarked after he settled on the bed next to me.

I slowly went to his open arms. I laid my head on his chest.

"Maybe if I do this, it will help," Andy remarked as he took my hair out of the pony it was in.

He gently let my hair cascade over my shoulders and ran his fingers through my hair.

I sighed.

"See I notice you also get headaches when you wear those tighter hair elastics," he remarked.

"I didn't even think the pony was hurting me," I remarked as Andy's fingers traced my temple.

He continued running his fingers through my hair. I was feeling a little bit better minus of course the headache still looming.

"May I suggest, just a suggestion, that you start braiding your hair when you come to bed," Andy remarked sweetly.

I smiled at his comment.

"You really do notice the little things," I commented as I leaned up to kiss his cheek.

"Of course darling as long as we've been together, it is impossible not to notice everything about you," he replied lovingly.

"I'm so grateful that you are just you Andrew," I told him.

He chuckled.

"I'm grateful for you darling," he replied as he kissed the top of my head.

"Hopefully if we close my eyes for a few, the Tylenol will be working," I told him.

"Good idea," Andy told me.

I sighed contently as sleepiness took over. Andy was the miracle pill I needed.

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