Chapter 111

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"It's too quiet," I mumbled to myself as I worked in Barry and Linda's kitchen.

It was Thanksgiving Eve. I was busy making 3 pumpkin pies and a custard.  I was in the kitchen all by myself as everyone was off doing their things around the house.

I was sort of bummed no one went into the kitchen with me. Not even Andy wanted to be a helping hand. Not that I was complaining but I needed a taste tester and they were completely scattered across the Gibb Compound.

After I had filled each of the pie shells and custard dish, I went and began doing dishes.  

Linda came in with a laundry basket. It looked like she had just folded some laundry.

"How's it going?" Linda asked as she put away some dishes and towels in a drawer.

"Good. Just about ready for them to bake," I told her.

"Ooooh yummy! Andy has raved about this for years and when we went down for Thanksgiving a few years ago, I don't think I ever got a slice of the pumpkin," Linda told me.

"That was probably my sister's fault," I joked.

Linda laughed and shook her head.

"Good thing you made 3. What's in the dish?" Linda inquired.

"Since there was extra,  I call it a custard," I told her.

"We can eat that when?" Linda asked.

"Once it's done if you want," I told her.

"Ok cool. I better go finish putting the rest of the laundry up," Linda told me.

I smiled as she disappeared through the kitchen door.

I put the pies in the oven and set the timer for 45 minutes. I did the dishes and headed to see if I could find my husband anywhere.

I put the timer in my pocket so my pies didn't burn.

I checked in the living room and only the kids were in there. 

I walked down the hall to what Barry and the boys call "the music room." 

The door was open and I peeked inside. All four brothers were concentrated on a conversation.

I walked up to Andy and wrapped my arms around him.

"Oh hi darling," Andy remarked not evening turning his attention from his brothers.

"I just put the pies in the oven. I also made a custard," I told him.

"Nice," Andy commented nonchalantly.

"How's it going?" I asked nicely.

"Yeah it's going," Andy remarked coldish.

"Yeah ok," I remarked as I unwrapped my arms and left the room.

Andy didn't even notice or care I had left.

Since it was still a bit light out, I went and sat on the deck. 

The Florida breeze was refreshing after being in the warm kitchen.  I guess the only person who noticed my disappearance was Hugh.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself?" Hugh asked as he sat down in a lounge chair next to me. 

I chuckled.

"Just relaxing I suppose," I replied back.

"Linda told me that you made the pumpkin pies for tomorrow," Hugh inquired.

"Yeah actually they have, 30 minutes to go," I remarked as I pulled the timer out and looked at the time left.

In all honesty, Hugh was a great father-in-law. He made sure that I was included. 

"Something is on your mind," Hugh asked.

I was sort of mad how Andy dismissed me when I went to check on him but I didn't want to gossip to my father-in-law.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"You got that look like something is worrying you," Hugh explained.

I shook my head.

"I'm just thinking about tomorrow and hoping that I made enough pies," I explained.

"Did Andy do or say something?" Hugh kept prying.

My eyes went wide.

"No no no oh my gosh," I remarked.

"I won't tell him if he did do something,"  Hugh told me.

"You are a very good detective Hugh but," I began replying.

"He didn't care when you went to check in on him right? I saw how happy you were when you popped into the music room and left looking sad," Hugh explained.

"O-oh you saw me?" I asked him.

"Yes I was in the bedroom right across the hall from the room," Hugh told me.

"I had no idea," I replied shocked.

"His actions were not to hurt you and I don't think he realize how his tone was either. When you get all the boys together, it's a different story," Hugh told me.

I sighed.

"Yeah, I know it was just out of his character ya know," I replied softly.

I looked at the timer in my hand and I still had 20 minutes to go.

"I promise you he won't be like that the rest of the time you are here," Hugh told me as he stood up and went inside.

Even though Andy was a full-grown adult, sometimes as adults, we need parental advice or guidance. 

I went inside since the timer was now down to 15 minutes.

I went and washed up before heading into the kitchen.

I popped my head in to see how they were baking.

I looked at the timer and it still said like 10 minutes. 

For a few, I leaned against the counter and waited.

"Hi lovey," I heard from behind me.

Andy was walking in. Hugh casually walked by the kitchen entrance and glanced at me.

"Hi what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing I just wanted to see how things were going," Andy told me.

"They are going. Still got like 10 minutes on the timer," I told him.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry if I was rude earlier," Andy commented.

I furrowed my eyebrows together and acted dumb.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I wasn't exactly nice to you when you came to see what I was doing and I'm sorry darling," Andy told me.

"I must have not even noticed," I told him.

"Well I didn't either but everyone else did including my brothers," Andy explained.

"Oh," I remarked pretending to be shocked.

"I don't want the holiday to be ruined," Andy replied.

I shook my head.

"It won't be. I forgive you," I told him.

I couldn't believe Hugh had put his son in his place.

"Good cause I wasn't trying to be rude. I was so wrapped up in the conversation that me and my brothers were having," Andy told me as the timer went off.

"I understand 'cause you haven't been with them all this time," I told him as I checked the pies.

"No, but being dismissive to my wife is wrong," Andy replied.

"I do appreciate you being forthcoming and honest love," I told him as I reset the timer for 5 minutes since the pies were a still little runny.

"Thanks lovey," Andy told me as I walked up to him and kissed his cheek.

Here was to a Thanksgiving in the palm trees.

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