Chapter 191

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"I cannot believe the gossip magazines are saying I'm on my deathbed," I remarked as we got home.

Andy and I had gone shopping and I of course occasionally peeked at the gossip magazines at the checkout. But, the one that stood out the most was the one saying I was about to die from a mysterious illness.

"Darling it's not that big of a deal. We all know it's fake," Andy remarked as we hauled groceries into the house.

"Yeah I know that but it's kind of rude they'd write that," I told him as I pulled the magazine out of the bag.

"You bought it?" Andy asked chuckling.

"Of course, I wanna know what exactly I'm dying of. Man, it must be nice to be living like a ghost," I joked.

"Giving up the ghost," Andy remarked.

"You're giving up me?" I teased.

Andy chuckled.

"No never in a million years would I give you up darling," Andy told me.

"Good I was hoping you'd say that," I remarked as I flipped to find the article of my supposed death sentence.

There were only photos of me and Andy together and one where they obviously marked it up to look like I was going grey and wrinkling.

"So apparently I've been diagnosed with an illness no doctor can figure out," I told him as I read.

He was putting up the bag of groceries.

Andy laughed.

"And apparently I have a week to live. Wow," I remarked chuckling.

"Darling, this seems to be funny but you know how I feel about death," he reminded me.

"Right right I know," I remarked as I finished reading the article.

I was baffled and yet so interested in how these sorts of eye-catching gossip articles come into play. I mean what if other people really believed it? Andy's fans would probably be ecstatic yet sad.

The phone rang. I ran to grab it off the hook as Andy glanced at the article.

"Hellooooo?"  I asked into the phone.

"You aren't actually dying are you?" my mother's worried voice came over the phone.

I sighed.

"Great googly moogly mom no I am not. Did you see that damn article? Is that why you are asking?" I asked her.

"Yes I mean you could be keeping things from me so I don't worry," my mom replied.

"Mom in a million years would you find out this way. I'm fine I promise you," I told her.

Andy came over to where I was.

"She saw this?" Andy whispered as he gestured to the magazine.

"Yes," I replied back.

He grabbed the phone from me.

"I'm confirming she is not on her deathbed. We've always had this issue with the gossip magazines," he told my mom.

He sighed as you could hear my mom babbling.

"Rebecca, calm down I'm not lying to you," Andy told my mom.

You could still hear her talking a million miles away.

I grabbed the phone back from Andy.

"Yo MOM," I sort of shouted into the phone.

It went quiet.

"You are overreacting. I'm fine. I'm not dying I swear on a stack of Bibles," I told her.

She sighed.

"You better be," she replied.

Andy chuckled at the interaction.

"Anyhow I have some stuff to do around the house but also a call waiting," I told her.

"OK love you," she told me.

"Love you more," I told her.

And then I switched calls.

"Yello," I answered.

"Richard heard that you were dying," KC commented first.

"Oh my god who is buying these damn gossip magazines?" I shrieked.

"I knew you weren't," Karen remarked chuckling.

Andy laughed.

"Everyone is convinced even my mom this damn article is correct," I remarked frustrated.

"Hey hey hey it's okay and you know what? Let them think that," KC told me.

"You only keep it alive if you feed into it, remember?" Andy asked me.

"You are both right," I remarked as Andy went to put the magazine away.

"I mean I was told I was in all these weird scenarios years ago so it doesn't surprise me they are still doing it," KC remarked.

"Right people are crazy in this industry," I told her.

"They always will be," KC said as Andy rejoined me in the kitchen.

"Anyhow what's up?" I asked her.

"Are we still getting our nails done tomorrow?" KC asked me.

"Oh yes KC I will meet you there," I told her.

"Sounds good. Talk to you later," Karen told me.

"Bye," I told her hanging up.

Andy was just looking at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"You go from panicking about being dead to being so calm about going to the nail appointment with Karen," Andy chuckled.

"Shut up," I told him.

"You should be paid for the things you say that are funny," Andy told me.

"Ya no,"  I told him chuckling.

What a time to be alive.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now