Chapter 138

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Karen had come by my office at work to see what my work environment now looked like. She had not been to my place of work since way back when I still worked at the record store.

"This is nice," Karen remarked as she walked around and looked at everything in my office.

"You think so? I do too," I replied as I went through some paperwork on my desk.

"How bad are some of the demo tapes?" Karen asked.

I paused for replying.

"Well," I remarked as I looked to find the paper with the "Viper Rattlesnakes."

Karen took the paper and read it.

I waited for her reaction.

A few seconds later, Karen busted out in laughter.

"The Viper Rattlesnakes?" Karen asked.

I tried not to laugh.

"I know right?" I replied chuckling.

"They had to be pretty bad right?" Karen asked as she handed me the paperback.

"Well, uhm," I remarked.

"They were awful weren't they," Karen commented chuckling.

"To say the least, yes," I told her.

"Not everything will be a walk in the park," Karen reminded me.

"True very true KC," I told her.

"So when can I steal you away for lunch?" Karen asked me.

"How about tomorrow?" I asked her as I glanced at my desk calendar.

"Sure!" Karen replied.

"I think I can leave on my lunch break," I told her.

"Let me know tonight," Karen told me.

"Yes I will KC," I replied as John entered my office.

"I didn't know we had the Karen Carpenter wandering our halls," John commented with a smile.

"KC you remember John my boss right?" I commented.

"Yes of course," Karen replied as John and she shook hands.

"How are the songwriting submissions going?" John asked me.

"I have this whole stack to send to the songwriting team to see if they like them or not," I told her gesturing to my desk.

"So not a lot of bad submissions?" John asked me.

"Nothing like the Viper Rattlesnakes," I joked.

Karen and John both laughed.

"Good, that's great to hear," John commented.

"Yeah so I'm actually enjoying this," I told him with  a smile.

"I'll leave you to it," John told me.

"Thanks John," I replied with a smile.

John exited my office as I continued working on the papers.

I took a pause as I came across a submission with a demo tape.

"Johnny Sanchez? Wait there is no way that," I remarked out loud.

"Johnny? Like the Johnny from the record store? He sings?" Karen remarked.

"I had no idea," I told her as I went to get my cassette player.

"What is the name of the song?" Karen asked.

"It says "Hey Sister." I wonder but the return address is Johnny's," I told her.

"I think that you'll just have to take a listen," Karen told me as I plugged my cassette player in.

I pulled the paper with the lyrics to follow along with the demo tape.

It began playing. Karen and I were shocked that it was Johnny from the record store.

"He can really sing," I remarked in shock.

"The lyrics sound like it is about you and him but like a sister bond," Karen analyzed.

"Wow, I guess but he knows I work here?" I commented.

"I don't think it was submitted because of that. I think Johnny wants to be better in life and get his singing career off the ground," Karen told me as the tape faded out.

"You are going to have to pretend you don't know him when you tell your boss about the tape," Karen told me.

"Good point 'cause I don't know if he'd assume I was wanting to give him a chance since he is my friend," I told Karen.

"Wow I cannot believe he can sing," Karen remarked.

"I know right?" I remarked as I went back to finishing work.

Before I knew it, I was able to go home. 

When I got home, I had to call Johnny.

I walked in to find Andy in the living room watching television.

"Hi darling," Andy remarked as he stood up as I walked over to him.

He took a few kisses from me.

"I got to tell you something," I told him.

"It looks pretty serious what is it darling?" Andy asked me.

"You know Johnny right? Well duh of course you do. He submitted a demo tape and song to the record company," I told him.

"A demo tape? Wait Johnny can sing?" Andy asked me.

"Yeah, it was crazy. KC had come to check my office out and she was in shock too," I told him as I popped my shoes off.

"That's crazy darling did you accept the demo?" Andy asked me.

"Well yes but I also can't know him if that makes sense or John may think I'm only saying yes because he's a friend ya know?" I asked him.

"Oh shoot that's a good point," Andy remarked.

"So I gotta play dumb I guess," I told him.

"Have you told Johnny yet?" Andy asked me.

"I got to keep lowkey about it," I replied to Andy.

"Got it, darling," Andy replied.

"So to say the least, today was surprising," I told Andy who was now turning the television down.

"I'm surprised too darling," Andy told me chuckling.

Big surprises come in little packages I suppose.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang