Chapter 130

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"UK? Who would be sending us mail from the UK?" I remarked as I mumbled as I walked up to the house.

As I walked in there was no return address on the envelope. 

"Anything for me?" Andy asked as he approached me.

"There was just a letter in the mailbox from the UK. It's addressed to me?" I uttered confused.

"Well open it darling," Andy urged.

I carefully opened the envelope. To my surprise, a magazine article from 1978 was in there. I pulled the letter out.

"You probably have long forgotten about us but I was doing some cleaning and found this. Thought you might enjoy it. I called Andy's record company and they gave us your personal mailing address so please don't freak out," I read at the beginning.

"Huh?" Andy asked as he looked over my shoulder.

My glanced down to the bottom of the letter. It was signed "Alan and Derek Longmuir."

"Wait Alan and Derek?" I asked as I opened the magazine clipping.

"The Rollers?" Andy chuckled.

"That was many moons ago. How do they still remember us?" I commented as I wandered to the couch.

"How could they forget? 1978 they were a big part of our lives," Andy told me as I was lost in reading the letter.

Alan and Derek had disclosed how much money they were screwed out of by their then manager and how Alan went into doing plumbing and Derek became a nurse. The stardom life had taken its toll and they reunited as a group in Japan several times.

"How sad. Their manager was an asshole," I remarked.

"You would have never known to the public eye," Andy commented.

"They are coming on a visit to America in 2 weeks and were wondering if we could catch up," I read aloud.

"Oh that would be nice darling," Andy commented as I handed him part of the letter to read for himself.

"God, why are some people selfish and in it for themselves? I cannot believe what their manager did," I told Andy sad.

"Darling there are people out there that only care how something will benefit them," Andy remarked as his eyes continued to scan the paper.

"But for two stars like them to go from being on top of the world to being regular and having to survive paycheck to paycheck is ridiculous," I told Andy as I unfolded the magazine clipping.

It was the article about how I was the mysterious Roller girl with Levi. Oh, it seems like that just happened yesterday.

"How was this already so long ago?" I asked Andy as I pointed to the headline of "mystery girl."

Andy chuckled.

"And yet the world had no idea we were together well yet," Andy explained.

"Werent you still being my secret admirer?" I asked Andy.

"This was mid-1978 yeah  I was," Andy told me.

"I know you were actually a very shy person and not one to go after girls," I told Andy.

"But you changed everything," Andy told me. 

I blushed.

"Well, I'm glad I changed that," I told him happily as I continued reading the 3-page letter.

Andy smiled as I finally finished reading the letter.

"So how do we let them know we'd like to meet up?" I asked Andy.

"Darling right here they left their number," Andy pointed to apart of the letter where the number was.

"Oh, goody I must have overread that part. I kept focusing on the fact of how much of a fucker their manager was," I commented.

Andy chuckled.

"Every time you cuss, it sounds so funny coming out of that pretty little mouth of yours," Andy remarked.

I chuckled.

"What you don't think words like bitch and fucker are a part of my vocabulary?" I commented.

Andy smiled.

"Haha now I don't know what to say," Andy remarked as he stared at me.

"How about a kiss?" I asked him.

Andy chuckled as he leaned over to me.

After a few seconds, I pulled away.

"I should cuss more often," I remarked.

Andy chuckled.

"Haha darling," Andy remarked back.

"I should get back to the letter but I'll call them tomorrow in the morning because it's 3 here which means it's like midnight in Edinburgh," I remarked.

"Good point darling," Andy remarked as I folded the letter back up to put in the envelope it came in.

I put the letter by the phone so I wouldn't lose it.

"I cannot believe that they still remembered us after all these years," I told Andy.

"We are not people you forget," Andy commented.

"Good point I suppose," I commented as I stood up to go get things collected for dinner.

A letter from the past changing the future I suppose.

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