Chapter 178

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"I thought we left the rain in San Diego," I mumbled as I drove home from work.

California had a small surge of moisture moving over the entire state. I was not too pleased with all the rain. It made me sad.

The drive home was bleh. So many people didn't know how to drive in the rain.

I got home later than I anticipated with all the rain slowdowns.

"I'm home love," I called into the house.

It was quiet. 

"Hmm,"  I looked in the living room and Andy wasn't there.

I took my shoes off and went upstairs.

I slowly went into our bedroom and Andy was asleep on the bed.

"Awww," I mumbled to myself.

I tried to be as quiet as possible coming in to grab my comfy clothes and went back downstairs without making a peep.

"I knew the exhaustion would catch up with him," I remarked to myself as I went to get a drink.

I went and sat down in front of the TV, and turned it on, and had it low.

Biscuit accompanied me in my mindless channel surfing. There was an ABC After School Special that I left it on. With the drab of the rain, I read my book.

I was eventually so lost in my book for over an hour.

I heard footsteps and turned to a very sleepy Andrew walking down them.

"Hi love," I remarked.

"When did you get home?" Andy asked as he yawned.

I closed my book.

"Uhm well actually over an hour ago," I told him as he waltzed over to the couch.

Andy's eyes went wide.

"You've been home that long? I must have really been dead asleep," Andy commented as he sat down next to me.

"Yes, your body needed that nap. I know you haven't been resting as well as you should be with the tapings and talk shows," I told him as he stole a kiss.

I swiped my thumb under his eyes. He still looked so tired. But that's the effects of stardom as we know.

"How was work?" Andy asked after a minute of me just caressing his face.

"Good. Johnny had some more paperwork to do but overall it was just a passing day of busy work," I told him.

"When is Johnny's album coming out?" Andy asked as I readjusted and put my feet on the coffee table.

"Uhm I think in May? I know there were some setbacks because of one of the mixes of the song not being done correctly," I replied as Andy grabbed my hand.

"Oh, I know that feeling. When something you envisioned doesn't go right," Andy replied.

"Yeah so he had to go in and re-record some parts of the song and then also go back in with the backing band and get the mix correct," I explained.

"I'm sure it'll be worth it though. Sometimes when things don't go correctly it's god's way of telling ya something better is coming," Andy told me as he caressed my hand as we talked.

"That's a good point," I replied as I stifled a yawn.

"So what did you have in mind for the rest of the day darling?" Andy asked me.

I paused for a moment.

"I really don't know. The rain is really drab to my mental state," I remarked.

Andy sighed sadly.

"I'm sorry darling I should have remembered how the rain made you feel," Andy told me.

I shook my head.

"Don't apologize it's not like you can stop the rain," I told him as he gave my hand a squeeze. 

He did that to show he was listening.

"If I could, I would," Andy told me with a smile.

I chuckled.

"You are too much sometimes Andrew,"  I told him.

"You used my full name again am I in trouble?" he joked.

I laughed.

"Shut up," I told him.

"Never ever," Andy teased.

"And why not?" I asked him with one eyebrow raised at him.

"Because," he simply replied.

"Because why?" I asked.

"Cause I said so," Andy told me as he kissed my cheek.

I rolled my eyes at his commentary and his action.

"I see, I see. Is this your way of distracting me from the rain?" I asked curiously.

"Perhaps," was all he responded.

"I love you, Andrew," I told him.

"I love you more," Andy replied.

"So how did your day go? I mean I don't know if you had work," I asked him as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Well I slept the morning away apparently so not much except dreamland," Andy told me chuckling.

"Oh true I mean," I remarked.

"Except I did have a really nice dream. It's fading now but I just know you were there and it was perfect," Andy told me happily.

"Awwww haha," I told him.

"Yeah, I don't remember exactly the context of the dream I just know we were enjoying the beach I think," Andy replied chuckling.

"I think it's cute you dream of us," I told him.

He blushed.

"Well, I mean," Andy replied flustered.

"You're being cute," I told him.

He chuckled.

"Of course you would say that," Andy replied.

Perhaps rainy days don't always get me down.

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