Chapter 167

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Christmas Eve was dwindling now. We had gone to Andy's parent's house for a little lunch. We had come home and for some reason felt drained.

"I think it's the food coma hitting," I joked to Andy as we walked in.

"Man I didn't think I'd feel tired like an old man on Christmas Eve but here I am," Andy commented as I took the keys to hang up at the door.

"True but we do feel like this probably cause we never eat that much at lunch," I told him as I slipped my shoes off and headed upstairs. 

I had to get out my jeans they were too tight after eating.

Andy followed me up the stairs.

"Are you gonna get comfy darling?" Andy asked me.

"Yes," I replied chuckling.

"I think I will follow suit," Andy remarked.

"I was thinking maybe tonight we could watch a Christmas movie or something on television? I don't remember what was playing," I remarked as I slipped my sweatpants on.

"There's a repeat of Andy Williams Christmas Special," Andy told me.

"Hmmm I wonder if anyone is showing "It's A Wonderful Life" cause that would be nice," I remarked as I took my jewelry off.

"I'll look at the TV guide. NBC showed it last year," Andy told me as he changed into sweatpants.

"Just to think, tomorrow, Christmas will officially be over again," I remarked sadly.

"Well, we have the New Year to look forward to. And most importantly, we get to go to Vermont in 3 days," Andy told me.

"That's a good point I just hate when the holiday season is over," I remarked as I laid back on the bed comfortably.

"We will make it like Christmas every day darling," Andy told me as he came over.

"That's a marvelous idea," I told him as he lay down next to me.

"God I feel so much better," Andy chuckled as he lay next to me.

"I do too. No more jeans cutting in my gut," I gestured to my stomach.

"Shut up darling that's not nice," Andy told me.

"Fine," I replied chuckling.

"So what are we eating for dinner today?" Andy asked me.

"You already thinking about dinner? That's such a man thing of you," I chuckled as I sat up.

"Of course darling it's my nature," Andy commented as he followed me downstairs.

I went to get a drink while Andy went to the living room to turn on some Christmas music and look at the TV Guide.

"Sooooo?" I asked leaning over the couch.

"Well "It's a Wonderful Life" starts at 6. The other movies start at 7 and 8," Andy replied.

"OK, we shall watch It's A Wonderful Life then. It's one of my favorites," I told him.

"I know it is darling," Andy told me happily as I sat down next to him.

"I'm definitely gonna shower early and get comfortable 'cause the movie is like 90 minutes but with commercials it'll be longer," I told him as I basked in the sound of the Christmas music in the house.

Andy chuckled.

"I think it's a wonderful idea," Andy told me happily.

"Of course it is. I love being comfy and enjoying a good movie," I replied.

"We have to make our tradition stay," Andy analyzed.

"Which one?" I asked him.

"The hot cocoa one. How could you forget?" Andy asked me with a fake pout.

"Oh that one. I didn't forget," I told him.

"Good cause it's my favorite thing," Andy told me proudly.

"We do have cocoa right?" I asked him.

Andy stood up and headed to the kitchen.

For a second, all you could hear was Andy sifting through the cabinets till he found it.

"We have some darling," Andy remarked from the kitchen.

"Good," I hollered back.

Andy walked back in shortly.

"A tradition never dies," Andy told me.

"Nope it won't ever," I told him.

"To a wonderful Christmas Eve," Andy told me.

"It's a wonderful life," I told him with a wink.

"You and your damn puns," Andy chuckled.

"You like them though right?" I asked with my basset-hound eyes.

Andy rolled his eyes.

"Of course darling why wouldn't I is the question," Andy told me as he reached for the TV guide again.

"True true but you never know," I told him.

"Well in this household, traditions never change. And, my love for you won't ever change," Andy told me boldly.

"I love hearing that ya know," I told him as I kissed his cheek.

The dog days of the holidays were the best feeling. 

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