Chapter 62

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Thanksgiving Day came and went and our families were still here till the weekend. It was the biggest shopping day of the year: Black Friday. Andy was hell-bent on going and getting this new TV Set that Kmart was putting at 65% off the normal price.

Mo and Andy had gone out to Kmart and camped out at 12 am this morning. It was a little before 8 when we heard them finally drive up.

My sister and I had been in the kitchen most of the morning conversing, eating leftover pumpkin pie and drinking coffee.

"Do you think he got the TV?" I asked my sister.

"Well there's only one way to find out," she told me as we walked to the front door.

Andy's car was backed in close to the porch.

Momentarily, I forgot I was in my pajamas. I had to hold on to my robe so the wind didn't blow it around.

"Good morning did you get it?" I asked them with a slight yawn.

Andy and Mo looked so proud.

"We did. We actually got two," Andy commented.

"We only needed one!" I told him.

"I convinced him this is mine and Yvonne's Christmas gift," Mo replied with a chuckle.

"Oh," I chucked.

"Yeah darling I don't know how we are gonna get it to Florida," Andy commented as he and Mo lifted the first TV out of the trunk.

My sister just watched them lug the TV's in.

"That is way bigger than they advertised," I mumbled.

"They were an extra 5% off if you were a Kmart member and we are, so score," Andy told me as him and Mo walked up the porch.

"That's crazy that they were basically 70% off," I told them as I walked inside with them.

Everyone else was still asleep in the guest bedrooms.

"I'll go make sure the coffee is still on," my sister remarked as she walked to the kitchen.

"Perfect,"  I told her.

"It's gonna look so good in the living room," Andy analyzed.

"Imagine how big the TV shows are gonna look," I commented.

"How are we gonna get ours to Florida safely?" Mo asked curiously.

"I will have to think about that one," Andy pondered for a moment.

"We could drive out there," I suggested.

"For Christmas?" Andy's eyes lit up.

"Maybe," I replied as they went back outside to get the last one.

"Christmas in Florida? That sounds like something special," Andy commented.

"I wouldn't mind it," I told him.

"How much would they charge to ship that TV to us?" Mo also asked.

"You want it that soon don't you?" I asked Mo chuckling.

"Yeah sort of," Mo told me.

"We will get it to you somehow," Andy told his brother as the opened the backseat to get the other one.

I chuckled as I went inside to find my sister.

By this time,  I could chatter from the kitchen.

I peek inside and my mom had gotten up. 

"Good morning," I greeted as I went to sit back at the kitchen table.

"Well good morning!" my mom commented as she drank her coffee.

"They got the TVs," I told her.

"Oh really? I was wondering how hard it would be to get them. I never do Black Friday shopping," my mom commented.

"They are in the living room. They are huge TVs," I commented.

"I wish I could get one for my bedroom back home," my sister joked.

"Are they that good?" my mom commented as she stood up to look in the living room.

"3, 2, 1," I whispered to my sister.

"Oh my stars those are really big TV's," my mom shrieked in shock.

Me and my sister giggled at her reaction.

"Yes, they are," I could hear Andy comment from the living room.

"Now I really wish your dad had gone with them," my mom told us as she walked back to the table.

"Mama how in the heck would you get that TV home?" I asked her.

"Oh shoot right we flew out here," my mom replied.

"Yes exactly mom," my sister said.

"We could have had it as extra luggage," she pondered.

I shook my head.

"That wouldn't work at all," I giggled.

"Are you sure?" my mom asked.

"I would have not lied about it being just a suitcase that was extra heavy," my sister commented.

"Maybe they'll still have them back home but not as cheap," my mom told us.

"Well yeah, I assume they have TVs everywhere," I joked.

My sister smacked my arm.

"What? Too early for sarcasm?" I asked her.

I could hear Andy's and Mo's laughter in the distance. My god was my voice that loud this early in the morning?

"I don't know how that man out in the living room handles you every day but god bless his soul," my mom commented.

"How rude," I remarked.

"Hey hey hey I think its a compliment darling," Andy commented as he walked into the kitchen with Mo.

"Coffee is ready," my sister pointed to the coffee pot.

"I really hope its a compliment," I joked.

"It is and I promise it was just a joke dear," my mom defended with a chuckle.

"It's kind of funny how your mom just roasted you," Mo commented as Andy poured two cups of coffee.

I rolled my eyes.

"Nah it's in our genetics to be so mean to each other that's how we show our love," my sister told him.

I giggled at her comment.

"See, it works," my sister said nudging me.

"You ladies are crazy but I love it," Andy commented as he came and sat down at the table with us.

"What would you do without us in your life?" I asked jokingly.

"Probably would have a pretty boring life," Andy told us before he sipped his coffee.

"You think so?" I asked him.

"Oh I know so if I was living out here by my lonesome self," Andy replied as Mo sat down next to him at the table.

"So we are the life of the party?" my sister asked chuckling.

"Yes you guys are," Andy replied.

My mom just stayed quiet and observed all the conversations going on.

Here was to a nice holiday season with our families. 

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