Chapter 63

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Christmas season was here. I was truly so happy that we were settled in our new house and getting to make new Christmas memories.

Andy and I had finally gotten enough decorations to fill up our new house. For once in my life, we had two Christmas trees. And I don't think we really are going to Florida for the actual holiday. Just because both Andy and I wanted to stay home for our first Christmas in the new house.

Today, I went to work and we were working on filing more of the master tapes from 1983. 

The best part of the job was being alone and working on my tasks. There was no checklist nor any feeling of being constantly watched like Big Boss. I never knew his brother was a lot nicer. 

The entire year of 1983 of recordings was in this one area of the shelving. It was crazy to see how many takes some artists do before getting the take they like.

I was a pro at filing and writing out the labels. I also had been told I would also be training in the recording studios to help with the engineering part of the recordings. I was finally doing the job I was made to do. 

I was finally in my mania. I was in the exact place I needed to be in life.

As work always does, it went by fast and I was on my way home.

Getting to our little ranch house and driving in was my favorite part of my day.

I got settled and headed inside of the house.

"I'm home," I called into the house.

The house was quietly filled with Christmas carols and I could Andy singing quietly.

"In here darling but wait its a surprise," Andy hollered back.

He was in our den.

"Okay?" I called out as I went to put my stuff up for the night.

"Just wait like 3 minutes and I'll be done," Andy hollered.

I chuckled.

"Is it a surprise or?" I asked him from outside the room.

"Sort of," Andy replied concentrated.

"What could you have done?" I asked.

"Just wait," Andy mumbled.

I sat there patiently tapping my foot against the wooden floor.

I looked at my watch and as long as I had been gone, I was surprised whatever he had planned wasn't finished by the time I got home.

"Ok close your eyes darling," Andy commented.

I did so and walked in.

"Ok now open them," Andy instructed.

 I fluttered my eyes open and Andy had managed to hang tons of Christmas lights in the room. It was something you'd only see in movies.

"Andrew," I commented.

"I wanted this room to be extra special for our first year in the new house," Andy commented as he smiled at me.

"It's beautiful how did you get all the lights up so quickly? This looks incredible," I commented.

All the walls had some sort of light and around the borders of the room and to the top close to the ceiling were covered in lights. They all were like stars. And, our Christmas tree quietly glowed in the corner.

"I had mapped it out the last few days and went to work on it as soon as you got in your car to leave," Andy replied.

"I love it love," I told him as I went up to him and wrapped my arms around him for a hug.

"I'm glad darling that you do. I just wanted one of our rooms to be extra Christmasy," Andy told me as he kissed my forehead.

"You did a marvelous job at it," I told him as he let go of the embrace I had on him.

"Thank you darling," Andy commented.

"Karen is going to love this," I told him.

"I was thinking we could hold a small Christmas party with our closest friends and my parents might want to come down for it too," Andy asked.

"I don't see why not? When were you thinking about it?" I asked him.

"Let's try for the 2nd week of December?" Andy asked.

"That gives us some time to  get invites out to everyone and get the food and stuff planned,"  I told him.

"My exact thoughts lovey," Andy told me as we walked out of the den to the living room.

I sat down on the couch while Andy stayed standing.

I was starving after a long day at work so I was praying dinner was in the oven or on the stove.

"So how was your day?" Andy asked me as he went to the kitchen.

"It was good.  I cannot believe how many takes some artist do on certain songs. There was multiple tapes of the same song from one artist today. I think I filed at least 15," I told him as he came back with two glasses of wine.

"15 takes? That is a lot," Andy chuckled.

"I was mind blown because you never know the artists you love which take they use on the final product," I commented.

"That's very true darling I never thought of it that way," Andy told me as he sat down next to me.

"It's definitely something to think about," I told him. 

"So what else did you do at work today?" Andy asked curiously.

"Well that's mainly it for now because of 1983 coming to a close. We gotta get everything filed so 1984 we can start fresh," I told him as he grabbed the TV guide off the coffee table.

"At least you are finally living your dream job," Andy said proudly,

"Yes love I finally am," I replied happily.

The sweet season of giving was upon. 

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