Chapter 58

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"Woah," I remarked as I started writing labels for some master tapes. I had a box of 500 to get through over the next two days. I was still working part-time. 

I had been working for the small record label Telescopic Del Rosa for officially 2 months. It was already November.  We were currently preparing to file all the tapes from 1983.  With the holidays officially upon us, I was busy in many aspects.  

Since this was a smaller record label, there weren't as many big names like Irene Cara, Madonna, etc in this company. It was smaller musicians like Samie Lilac, Gracie Sheridan, etc. They were upcoming artists that would most likely branch away from our label and move to Warner, Curb Records, etc.

I was content. I was actually happy for once. Not that I wasn't happy at all. But the fact I was able to do what I loved was the best feeling. 

My boss was also very chill too. He wasn't pushy. And, at least we didn't have to call him "Big Boss." His name was Matt.

The thing I liked the most was being able to be alone writing out labels and stacking the tapes in the safety boxes. 

As I glanced out the window of the office building, I could see clouds rolling in. I was happy that the fall weather was finally here. I looked at my watch and it was a quarter to 3. 

Since I only worked two days a week, I usually worked 9-4. It was an improvement from the 12-hour shifts I sometimes worked at the record shop.

In the back of my mind, I was mindlessly planning our big Thanksgiving that was going to be in 3 weeks. Andy's entire family is coming in and so is my family. 

Before I knew it, it was time to clock out and head home to my husband. The drive home was my favorite. There was so much scenery on the highway. 

When I arrived home, Andy's car was in the driveway. 

"Good, he's home," I mumbled to myself as I parked and got out of the car. 

I walked up to the front door and opened it.

With the time change, it was already getting dark so I expected all the lights to be on in the house.

"Love I'm home," I called out.

It was dim throughout the house.

"Hmmm," I commented as I put my purse and sweater up.

I could smell the aroma of food filling the house. 

I walked towards our dining area and it was only lit by candles. 

"Love?" I asked once more.

Andy came out of the kitchen with two champagne glasses. He was dressed in a royal blue button-down and black jeans.

"Hi darling," Andy commented.

"W-what is this all for?" I asked with a giant smile on my face.

"Just because darling," Andy told me as he handed me a glass.

"For me?" I asked him as he popped the champagne open.

"Yes lovey," Andy told me as he put a few blueberries in my champagne flute.

"I-I don't even know what to say," I commented as Andy pulled my chair out for me.

"I just wanted to do something special for you since we didn't really celebrate our wedding anniversary last month," Andy told me as he opened a box of chocolate-covered strawberries.

I smiled at him.

"Andrew," I remarked.

"What? I can't surprise you as you do me?" Andy asked smirking as he walked to the kitchen to get the food.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now