Chapter 126

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"Happy Birthday KC!" I said as we walked into the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Karen was having a luncheon with all her close friends including me and Andy.

I handed her the bouquet we had bought and Andy handed her the bag with her gift in it.

"Thank you so much for coming! The flowers are beautiful," Karen told us as she directed us to our seats.

"We'd do anything for you KC," I told her smiling.

Andy smiled as we sat down.

All the while we were here, my mind was elsewhere.

Andy's family was headed here. Mo would be at the house when we got home. Andy had yet to crack a clue at anything I had been scheming.

"Darling yo-who," Andy motioned his hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I asked distracted.

"I asked if you wanted to get drinks tonight since we both don't drink during the day anymore," Andy told me.

"Oh yeah that's fine," I told him.

Little did he know the surprise when we'd get to the house. 

Just about this time, they brought out the appetizer. Crab Cakes with Horseradish sauce.

"I'm gonna try and pretend I like horseradish for the sake of Karen's birthday," I whispered to Andy.

He chuckled to himself.

"Darling it's not that bad," Andy whispered back.

"Sort of," I told him with a sour look.

"Don't do that paparazzi might see that and turn it into something it is not," Andy joked.

"Oh shush," I whispered to him as the waiter brought us our food.

"Thank you," Andy mumbled to him.

"Thank you," I also remarked.

Olivia Newton-John was right across from the two of us. She leaned over the table a bit.

"I'm not a fan of horseradish so please don't think I'm being a bad guest," Livvy whispered to us.

We both laughed.

"No, I feel that Livvy I hate horseradish," I told her quietly. 

Karen was talking to the waiter so she didn't know what we were saying.

"Then I feel less alone," Livvy commented.

"Your secret is safe with me," I told her jokingly.

Livvy laughed as we all focused on conversing and eating the appetizer. 

"Karen was saying that for the main course, it's going to be some sort of pasta," Andy told me after a while.

"Oh that sounds really good," I told him.

I didn't really want us to fill up much because even though this was a luncheon, I had planned on us going back out later with Mo for dinner. 

My mind kept going elsewhere worried how the next 3 days would go. Mo was the only one to fly out earlier than the rest of the family. Barry and his family would fly in in 2 days while Robin wouldn't be able to make it because of his solo album work.

"Darling," Andy commented.

"What?" I asked him.

"You did it again. You zoned out," Andy remarked quietly.

"Sorry I just, well, got a lot on my mind," I told him truthfully.

"Well the luncheon is almost over darling so don't worry too much ok?" Andy reassured me.

I took a sigh of relief as we continued Karen's luncheon.

By 1, we were heading out.

"Happy Birthday again KC. Thanks for having us," I commented as I gave her another hug.

"Thank you for coming and celebrating with me!" Karen told us.

"I'm glad we were able to join you," Andy told her as they hugged.

I smiled.

"Ok so drinks on Tuesday to celebrate this guy?" Karen nudged at Andy.

We both laughed.

"Yeah at the King Eddy Saloon," I told her.

"Great I will call you later," Karen replied.

"Happy Birthday again KC!" I remarked one more time before as we exited the restaurant. 

Several camera flashes went off. We anticipated that the paparazzi would be there since it was sort of a professional birthday event. 

"Just keep your head low darling," Andy whispered. 

"Are they gonna follow us home?" I asked him.

"No, I don't think so. I think it's just for the purpose of the party," Andy told me as he opened my car door for me.

I held my clutch by my face as Andy got into the car. 

We headed off quickly to our house.

I glanced at the time. Mo's flight landed 2 hours ago which meant he should be settled at our house.

"Darling, what is the matter? You got that look on your face," Andy told me.

"Just wait till we get home and I'll show you," I told him.

"Oh?" Andy remarked curiously.

"Yeah," I told him.

As we drove home, I prayed my entire surprise had worked out. Well, part one of it.

"Here we are safe and sound," Andy commented as we headed into our little sanctuary.

"Thank god," I sighed in relief.

We got out of the car and headed inside. 

The plan was for Mo to walk into the living room from the hall after he heard our initial voices.

"Home sweet home," I remarked a little loud so Mo knew that was his cue.

"Why so loud darling I'm right here," Andy chuckled as he took his blazer off.

"Sorry," is all I said as I heard footsteps.

"What a warm welcome home," Mo commented.

Andy jumped as he turned around to see who it was.

"Wait what are you doing here?" Andy asked excitedly.

Mo looked at me and then back at Andy.

"Darling you did this for me?" Andy asked.

"Happy early birthday love," I told him as Andy and Mo hugged.

Andy and Mo separated from their hug and Andy wrapped me in a hug.

"Thank you for making my birthday extra special," Andy whispered as he kissed my cheek.

"Of course love," I told him as I kissed his cheek.

We weren't gonna be overly PDA with his brother standing there.

"Now I know why you were totally zoned out at lunch," Andy chuckled.

"Yes she's been planning this for a while," Mo said proudly.

"I love you so much lovey," Andy told me in a whisper.

"I love you," I told him. 

A wonderful start to Andy's birthday week.

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