Chapter 177

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"Happy Birthday Andrew," I whispered as we woke up for the day.

Andy stirred as he turned over and groaned.

I chuckled.

"Andrew," I whispered to him.

He sighed as he faced me.

"Why are you so grumpy? It's your birthday," I told him chuckling.

"I'm not grumpy darling," Andy remarked as he looked at me.

He had a grumpy look on his face as he looked at me.

"It's your birthday I don't want you sad or anything like that," I told him as I sat up and stretched.

Andy didn't reply.

I sighed as I got out of bed.

I did my normal routine before going downstairs to get coffee for the both of us.

I came back up to find Andy sitting up flipping channels.

"Here birthday boy," I told him as I handed him his mug.

"Thanks, darling," Andy whispered.

I sighed again as I sat down. Something was bothering him and I couldn't figure out what.

It stayed quiet between the two of us as we watched mindlessly whatever was on the television screen.

"Somethings bothering you love. What's the matter?" I asked after a while.

He paused and sighed.

"I was excited for my birthday but I woke up realizing it's just another day of me getting older," Andy began.

I turned my whole attention to him as he spoke.

"And?" I pried at him.

"I-I just don't like that idea that I'm getting old," Andy remarked as he stared into his coffee.

I put my mug down.

"Love, are you freaking serious? You are only 28 years old today. You have a lifetime ahead of you," I explained to him as sat down in front of him on the bed.

Andy smiled at my comment.

"But," Andy began saying.

I had no choice but to cut him off with a kiss. Coffee breath and all.

I pulled away and looked at him.

"So I'm guessing that's your way of telling me to shut up?" Andy smiled to himself.

I chuckled.

"Yes. You aren't old. You don't even have a single grey hair on this head of yours," I gestured to his hair as I ran my fingers through it.

He smiled at me as he put his mug down.

"Come here," he opened his arms towards me.

I crawled towards him as I sat down on his lap.

"You have a way of making all my inner demons go away," he began saying as he held my hands.

I smiled. I couldn't think of anything to say.

"You continue to keep me grounded darling so thank you. Even though I almost ruined my own birthday with my grumpiness, you turned it around," Andy explained.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"How about I go get your presents?" I asked him.

"That sounds wonderful darling," Andy told me as he smiled at me.

I crawled off him and the bed and went down the hall to get his 3 presents. 2 bags and one box.

I came back and he was sitting up more properly and waiting eagerly for my return.

"You overdid it, darling," he remarked as he noticed me struggling a bit.

"Nope. It's never enough for you," I told him as I placed the box and bags on the bed.

"Where do you want me to start?" Andy asked. 

"The bags first. The box is sort of the big gift,"  I told him.

"Ooooh ok I see I see darling," Andy told me mischievously. 

I rolled my eyes as I sat down back on the bed next to him.

For the next 30 minutes, he mindlessly went through opening everything. From the little things like cologne to his big gift of the portable cassette player, he looked so grateful and shocked with everything.

"I'm going to save my cards for later," Andy told me happily.

"That's fine love," I told him in response.

"I feel like this is the best birthday I've ever had," Andy told me.

I smiled at him.

"Really?" I asked him happily.

"Yes darling. You make it the best," Andy explained to me.

My smile got wider.

"Here's to your birthday," I told him as I kissed his cheek.

He moved my face to where our lips aligned.

"Mmmm," he remarked after we pulled apart.

"Now let's go get ready. We have a lot of stuff to do," I told him as I disappeared to get ready.

Happy Birthday Andrew. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now