Chapter 29

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Andy's sickness got worse before it got better. He had caught strep throat from one of the guys down at the studio. Though we caught it early enough, his body was not ready to fight off the infection.  We were officially on day 2 of recovery after Andy denied how he truly was feeling. 

Antibiotics for a week would slowly kill the infection. But, Andy would be worse before he got better. Of course, that meant all recording sessions were put on hold which made Andy tired and frustrated. 

"It is only a few more days and then you should be 75% better," I reassured him.

As of now, I had not caught it because we had been avoiding kissing and close contact. It was weird and tiresome on both sides.

"I just want to do my job as a husband and a musician," Andy quietly replied.

I sighed. He was so stubborn.

"You can once you are no longer having a red, scratchy throat and no more fever either," I told him.

"I have no patience left," Andy commented.

"I know you don't but you gotta listen to me at least. I am your wife, and I know that doctor's orders will best serve you," I told him as I felt his forehead.

Andy sighed.

"If you finally break the cycle of the fever, the more likely we will be able to hug and kiss again since you won't be contagious anymore," I said as I held his face in my hand caressing his cheek. 

"You are right darling," Andy replied as he closed his eyes.

"I think before you fall asleep again love, let's get some more pain medication taken," I told him.

He groaned.

"You know it'll help you," I told him.

"Ok let's go," Andy said as he sat up and walked to the bathroom to get the medicine from the cabinet.

"If you fall asleep now, then you can get up and eat dinner by 5ish," I told him as we stood in the bathroom.

"Will you lay with me till I fall asleep?" Andy pleaded. 

"Only till you fall asleep love.  I need to get dinner going so you can eat comfortably," I replied as he took his medicine. 

"That's fine darling," Andy replied as I kissed his clammy forehead.

And so, we went back to bed and I laid with him. You could tell he was extra tired and it didn't take him that long to fall asleep.

Once I could tell he was sound asleep, I slithered away and headed to the kitchen.

It was a little after 2. Andy was taking naps from 2-5 just so he didn't have to worry about the pain for the time being. 

I started on dinner. I was on day 2 of making soups. Today's soup was just old-fashioned chicken noodles.

Biscuit was roaming the house while I cooked.

The doctor really wanted Andy to have more fluids than ever so his throat irritation would be the bare minimum.

I quietly worked on the soup and got it boiling. 

While the soup simmered, I went outside with Biscuit for a few. She was enjoying the sun. 

We had some really bad winds and quick showers come across from the coast. So Biscuit had cabin fever just as much as Andy and I did.

For the next 30 minutes, we enjoyed the fresh air before I went back in to check on Andy. 

He was still sound asleep. He looked like he was finally resting and caving in and letting his sickness comeover him.

I went back to the living room and quietly turned on the television. For being a Saturday afternoon, nothing really was good on except reruns of "Match Game."

I grabbed a glass of iced tea and quietly kept to myself. 

For the next few days, time would move slowly.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now