Chapter 172

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"For Valentine's Day, what do you wanna do?" I asked Andy.

The New Year was steaming right along.  It was hard to believe Andy's birthday would also be in a month's time.

"Well I don't know darling I mean it's up to you," Andy told me.

I shook my head.

"No no no you don't make me make a decision," I chuckled.

"Well, I mean if you have any ideas?" Andy asked.

"What did we do last year? I literally cannot remember," I told him.

"Wait what did we do?" Andy pondered.

"Oh wait I remember now," I told him.

"What did we do?" Andy asked me.

"We went out of town but you are not gonna believe that it is been a year since Chestnut left," I told him quietly.

Andy's face fell.

"Oh I-I didn't notice the date too. It's been a year tomorrow," Andy commented quietly.

"Yeah," I remarked quietly back.

The entire vibe went from optimistic to sad suddenly.

After a few, Andy spoke up.

"Darling why don't we get out of town for the weekend next week? I mean get our minds off the stuff that happened a year ago," Andy told me.

"I think that's an excellent plan love I mean we should definitely get away for the weekend," I told him.

"Let's go to well we could go to San Diego or something just a little drive out," Andy explained.

"I love the idea love," I told him.

It was awkward how we went from being holly jolly to depressed after realizing where we both were a year ago.

After a second or two, it was quiet again.

"You know darling, I won't ever go back to where I was a year ago, right?" Andy asked.

I looked up at him.

"Love, I know that. You have overcome your inner demons," I began replying.

Andy paused.

"I just don't want us to ever go back to where we were a year ago," Andy replied worriedly.

I stood up from where I was sitting at the moment. I walked over to him.

"We will never go back to where we were. We are a year into our healing and we will continue to strive towards our progress," I told him.

Andy smiled at me.

"How do you always know what to say or do?" Andy asked with a smile.

"Cause I've done a lot of living and learning," I joked as I kissed his cheek.

"You are too much I swear I don't know where I'd be without you," Andy told me as he wrapped me in a hug.

"I can say the same thing about you," I told him as we stayed in the embrace.

"Thanks for being you," Andy told me as he pulled away to look at me.

I kissed his cheek again.

"So let's think about some things we can do in San Diego," I told him as I let go of the embrace I had on him.

"I know there is the zoo there that is popular. Well, we could go to a museum or something?" Andy listed off.

"We need to eat at the Waterfront at least once. Remember they had those really good burgers?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah, darling I remember them," Andy told me as he grabbed a pen and paper.

"And El Indio too. I want a good enchilada," I chuckled as I replied.

Andy laughed.

"Yes we will get you an enchilada darling," Andy remarked as he wrote down the two restaurants. 

"I'm a sucker for good Mexican food. I mean who isn't?" I asked him.

"I know I am too. Especially a good burrito," Andy replied as he looked at me.

"I want to also go to a bakery or coffee shop," I told him.

"We can definitely do that too," Andy told me as he noted it down.

"Then it is settled. We are going to San Diego next week," I replied happily.

"The best plans come up mysteriously," Andy told me as he went to put the paper by the phone.

"Definitely love. I mean being spontaneous is sort of our thing," I told him chuckling.

"And the best plans come from ones you do spontaneously," Andy replied as he came back to sit next to me.

A nice little getaway was in the future. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now