Chapter 57

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In the middle of the night, I was woken up abruptly with a smack across my chest. 

"Hmm?" I asked squinting my eyes at the clock.

It read 2:08 a.m. 

I looked at Andy who was covered in sweat. He was the culprit of the smack.

"Love?" I whispered.

Andy was groaning like he was in pain. But his eyes were closed and he was sound asleep.

"No," Andy's voice mumbled with pain. 

"No what?" I asked with a whisper.

I readjusted to start caressing his hair to try and gently wake him up.

"Love, shhh," I consoled him.

Andy's eyes shot open suddenly and he let out a big gasp.

"D-darling?" Andy gasped.

He was panting from the nightmare.

"Are you ok?" I looked at him worriedly.

"N-no someone was trying to kill you and I c-couldn't save you," Andy's voice trembled. 

He had tears coming down his face silently.

"Love it was just a dream," I tried to reassure him.

I was still so tired from being woken up so suddenly. 

"But, you were dying in front of me," Andy told me as I held his face in my hands.

I wiped his cheeks from the tears as he stared at me.

"I'm here and I'm alive. Tired but alive," I joked.

Andy partially smiled.

I took my hands from his face and wrapped my arms around him.

You could feel him starting to mellow out from the nightmare. 

"I promise nothing will happen to me ever," I told him in a whisper. 

Andy wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. 

"I love you," Andy mumbled as he kissed my face.

"I love you more and nothing is going to happen to me or us," I whispered.

"I know it is my greatest fear of losing you," Andy commented.

"You won't lose me ever I promise. Is there anything  I can do to help you fall back to sleep?" I asked him as we readjusted back into the bed.

Andy yawned as he fixed his pillows.

I adjusted mine so I could lie facing Andy.

"Just don't leave my side," Andy told me.

Andy readjusted the comforter over us. 

I closed my eyes as I laid one arm across Andy. 

It was silent between the two of us for a while. Until I felt like I was being stared at.

I slowly opened one of my eyes and Andy was staring at me like a lost puppy.

"Love?" I asked.

"Just worried I'll start dreaming again like I was," Andy whispered as he kissed my forehead.

I sighed.

"I promise love nothing is gonna happen. You are safe and fine with me," I told him.

Andy sighed as he readjusted his pillow.

"I'll try and go to sleep lovey," Andy mumbled.

I brought my hand up to his face and traced it over his jaw, through his hair: and everywhere to try and calm this boy of mine.

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