Chapter 192

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"Well damn," I remarked as I stared at my car.

I had barely made it home safely when my tire went completely flat.

"It's just a flat tire darling. It's fixable," Andy told me.

"I don't know how to change a tire," I admitted.

"What is a husband for if he can't even do that?" he asked me as we both looked at my car.

I smiled at him.

"I don't know where the spare is," I told him as I went to get the car manual out.

"It could be in the trunk underneath the thing or it could be underneath the car, itself," Andy commented as I flipped through the manual.

It indeed was in the trunk under the trunk thing.

"Ok it's in the trunk," I told him as I popped the trunk open.

Andy went to the back, got things sorted, and pulled the spare out.

"Wait what am I doing? I can just take the screwed-up tire off and go in my car to get you a new one," Andy remarked.

I chuckled.

"That's actually a better idea. Where is the jack?" I asked him.

"I always make sure you have one. It is in the trunk too darling," Andy told me.

I was not a car girly at all.

"I'm just gonna let you do this 'cause I'll screw it up," I commented.

"Well, you should watch me so you can have an idea darling. One day I won't be there to help you till a lot later," he told me as he got the tools out of my trunk.

"Okay I will try and follow your steps," I told him as Andy got set up to take the tire off.

And so, Andy narrated everything on how to take the bolts off and everything in between.

"Now we will have to leave the car like this till we get back so it's easier to put the new one on," Andy told me.

"Okay," I told him as he rolled the tire towards me.

"Let me get my car keys to open my trunk and we can head to the car shop down the freeway from here," Andy told me as he disappeared inside.

As long as I had been driving and knowledgeable about cars, I felt dumb about the process and idea of how to work on tires and such.

"Alrighty here we are," Andy remarked as he popped the trunk open to his car.

He then scooted things around in his trunk and we got the tire settled.

"Let me go wash up and then we can head off," Andy told me as we shut the trunk.

I went to grab my purse out of my car, locked it up, and went inside to freshen up before going to the tire shop.

After 10 minutes, we both were ready to go.

"I cannot believe in all the years we've been together, you never told me you didn't know how to change a tire," Andy remarked as we drove to the tire shop.

"I didn't own a car for a while when we first were together. Then, you bought me that car and ever since then I've never had anything happen to the tires," I remarked.

"Oh well that's true I mean we never really ever had to do any body repairs to our cars," Andy commented as we arrived at the tire shop.

"Yeah I mean I just got the new tires on what like 2 years ago? I mean that's pretty good," I remarked as he parked.

"It's definitely a good wear and tear kind of deal but I wanna know how you didn't notice you had a nail in the tire this morning," Andy chuckled as he turned the car off.

"It wasn't something I would have noticed leaving work at all. I always look around my car and I didn't see it I guess when I pulled into the space at the office," I told Andy as we got out of the car.

"I'll be back," he commented as he walked to the front doors to talk to someone who worked here.

I went to the trunk and took the tire out as I waited for Andy to get back with a sales person or repair person.

Shortly, Andy and a worker were walking over to me.

"Looks like we will need to get ya a new tire. This one is beyond repair," the service guy told me.

"You know well so go ahead," I told him as I rolled him the tire.

"I will be back to see if we have this brand in stock and the size as well," the gentleman told me.

"Thanks," I remarked as Andy came over to where I was standing.

"I think you know more than you disclose," Andy told me.

"Not really I mean I'm not a tire girly," I told him.

"Well we will pay for it darling," Andy told me.

"No no no love it's my car," I told him.

"Let me help out at least this once. You've become so independent," Andy told me.

I sighed.

"I-well sure I guess," I told him.

Big wheels keep on turning.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now