Chapter 199

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We were back home from Florida. I was finally feeling better and not so stuffy.

I had to go to work and do some paperwork and get some recording schedules settled with John. Johnny was still out on tour but would be coming home next week.

"So Kyle and Rick are coming in next Tuesday to record in studio B?" John asked me.

"Yes at 10. Then Raquel is coming in tomorrow to sign those papers,"  I remarked.

"Okay and then Johnny comes home from the tour next week, correct?" John confirmed with me.

"Yes sir he comes home next Wednesday in fact and then he will be on a mini break," I remarked.

"Got it," he replied.

"So with that, we only have a few minor things to focus on till the end of the year," I told him as I showed him the upcoming schedule for October.

It was hard to believe the end of the year was near again. Every year it seemed to go by faster. Once I quit the record store many moons ago, I thought life would slow down.

"Oh schedule that meeting for October 16th at 11 instead of 12. Tiffany and I have a doctor's appointment for Christopher," John told me.

"Got it I will call Jennifer to let her know," I replied as I noted it down.

"Other than that, everything looks great," John told me.

"Perfect. I will go ahead and call Jennifer now after we are done here and get the meeting moved," I told him.

"Okay perfect I will leave so you can do that," John replied as he stood up and exited my office. 

I went ahead and made the call and got his meeting rescheduled. 

Work went on quickly and I headed home fast.

"Honey I'm home," I called into the house.

"In here darling," Andy called from the den.

I kicked my shoes off and headed to the den.

Andy was busy working on what looked to be paperwork.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked him.

"Prepping some letters for some record companies. Not that I'm not known ya know but trying to land a new record deal," Andy commented.

"Oh that's right you did some demos right?" I asked him.

"We are gonna work on some more but yeah darling I did with Mo and Barry when we were in Florida," Andy told me as I sat down next to him on the floor.

"I think you'll land a new one quickly," I told him as he paused what he was doing.

"You think so?" he asked as he looked at me.

"I know so," I told him.

He smiled at me as he went back and focused on getting the letters sealed.

"So how was work?" he asked to change the subject.

"A lot of paperwork but I also had to reschedule some stuff for John. Can you believe Johnny's tour ends next week?" I asked Andy.

"Wait that means his LA show is next week," Andy commented.

"Yeah we get to go see him I'm so excited," I told Andy as he finished up his letters.

"This is probably the longest you two have gone without seeing each other in like 8 years?" Andy asked.

"Yeah something like that. We've been like siblings so it's definitely sooooo weird not having Johnny around," I told Andy.

"Levi must be excited too. I mean Johnny literally bought Levi a car," Andy remarked as he stood up.

I copied him.

"Yeah that's right I forgot about that. The three of us were and are still inseparable," I remarked to Andy who was now stretching.

"True darling," Andy commented.

"So anyhow how was your day besides working on these letters?" I asked him as we headed out to the living room.

"It was good. Of course, I missed you per usual," he commented with a chuckle.

I chuckled.

"Yeah yeah, I missed you too," I told him with a smile.

We headed to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"I also got Biscuit's stuff cleaned. I mean her kennel," Andy told me.

"Oh, you did?" I asked him as we got glasses out to make something for us to drink.

"Yeah darling I did," Andy told me as he grabbed ice out of the freezer.

"You didn't have to do that but that was nice of you," I told him as I went and got the ice tea pitcher out of the fridge.

He smiled.

"So now we have the whole afternoon to ourselves," Andy told me.

"Yes indeed love," I told him as I poured the tea.

A relaxing afternoon is in store for the two of us. 

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