Chapter 109

30 2 7

"Oh my god," I commented as I stared at the TV.

There were multiple reports of the "TP bandit" that happened over Halloween and they had yet to catch the bandit. They now hit the record store. Levi was on the 5 o'clock news explaining what happened.

"What's the matter, darling?" Andy asked as he stood behind the couch and looked at the TV with me.

"The so-called bandits got the record store," I replied.

"Oh dang darling," Andy commented as he stifled a laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked confused.

"The thought of your ex-boss getting angry at eggs and toilet paper is a sight," Andy chuckled.

"Oh I can see that," I remarked chuckling.

"Yeah," Andy commented before disappearing to the kitchen.

He was getting dinner ready.

"So what are we eating for dinner?" I asked as I turned the TV off and reached to put a record on.

I grabbed a Carpenters Greatest Hits and put it on the spin table.

"Well, I got the pasta done. I got the chicken done too. Now just waiting for them to cool off," Andy listed off.

"Oooh," I remarked as I entered the kitchen.

"Would you like wine tonight darling?" Andy asked me.

"Yes please," I told him.

"I'll go get a bottle of the Chardonnay we bought the other day," Andy commented.

I went and started getting the plates and silverware on the table.

"One bottle of chardonnay imported from New Zealand," Andy remarked as he re-entered the kitchen.

"Yum,"  I remarked.

"And we can sit down to eat whenever you are ready," Andy told me.

"Do you want me to help bring the food to the table?" I asked him.

"No go sit down make yourself comfortable darling," Andy replied as he shooed me away from the stove.

I chuckled.

Andy grabbed the oven mitts and brought the chicken pasta to the table.

I grabbed the wine corker and took the cork out of the bottle.

"God it smells so good," I remarked as Andy sat down next to me.

"Thanks darling," Andy remarked with a smile.

I grabbed the wine glasses and poured some into each. Andy platted the food.

We began our dinner date at home contently.

After we were done, we helped each other clean up the kitchen. I decided to do the dishes.

"Darling you didn't have to help," Andy told me sweetly.

"I wanted to help. And also, if we get the kitchen cleaned faster, the quicker I can get ready for bed," I joked.

"Darling it is only a little after 7," Andy commented as he looked at his watch.

"Well yeah, I mean why not right?" I asked.

Andy rolled his eyes.

"That's my girl. Ready to eat and always ready to sleep," Andy joked.

"Hey," I said nudging him.

"It's true and it's one of my favorite things about you," Andy told me as he dried the plates.

"I don't ask for much but give me a good plate of food or invite me to go to sleep early and I'm a happy camper," I chuckled.

"That is definitely true," Andy replied smiling at me as I handed him the silverware to dry. 

"I could be a material girl but I like simple things," I joked.

"Haha darling," Andy remarked.

"Well, it is true. I don't ask for diamond rings. I ask for wine," I told him with a wink.

"You are so funny darling," Andy told me chuckling.

"Yep," I commented as I turned the sink off.

To a nice evening with my husband.

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