Chapter 112

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Thanksgiving came and went in a blink of an eye. Christmas season was officially upon us and I had already made the house into a winter wonderland.

Now I had already shopped for Andy early. Not a surprise but also proud I got all my Christmas shopping done early.

Andy seemed to be lost on what to get me this year.

"Darling is there anything in particular you want for Christmas?" Andy asked me as we drove to pick up Biscuit from her grooming appointment.

I had taken her before work and they barely called to get her at 4:15 p.m.

"Well, I'm not sure," I replied as I glanced up at him.

Andy had a concentrated look.

"Clothes? Makeup? Cassettes? Vinyl?" Andy listed off.

"Love, I'm not even sure what I want for dinner today let alone what I could need for Christmas," I told him.

"Well you have your wants too so think about that and let me know?" Andy asked as we parked.

"Yes I will," I told him.

Andy parked the car and we headed inside. 

Biscuit was waiting with a lady in the waiting room.

"Hi Biscuit," I commented as she began wagging her tail.

"She was a very good puppy today guys," Jenna the pet tech commented.

"That's wonderful to hear," Andy smiled as Jenna handed me the leash.

"Let's get this all paid for and then you 3 can head out," Jenna told me as she went to the register.

Andy followed as I gave Biscuit belly rubs and pats.

"Oh, and she did not have any fleas or ticks like you thought," Jenna told me.

"Oh thank god," I  commented relieved.

"It looks like she had gotten into some sap or something sticky and dirt stuck to the fur," Jenna told me as she possessed Andy's card payment.

"Haha oh my god, I feel dumb. I tried washing her but it never came out," I told Jenna.

She laughed as she had Andy sign the receipt. 

"That's what we are here for Miss. (Y/N)," Jenna told me with a smile.

Andy got some cash-out and tipped her.

"Thank you for everything Jenna," I told her.

"Thank you to you guys as well. Have a nice evening!" Jenna told us as we went to the car.

We got Biscuit settled into the car and headed home.

"On our way to our house," Andy commented as we pulled out of the grooming place.

Biscuit was happily looking out the window as we drove home.

The drive home was quiet. The radio was on low and it was perfectly imperfect.

"Here we are," Andy commented as we pulled up to our gate. He rolled down the window and typed the passcode in.

I smiled as we were in our sanctuary safe and sound.

"I just had a random thought,"I commented as Andy parked.

"What?" Andy asked.

"D-did they ever catch the TP bandit?" I asked out loud.

"O-oh darling that is indeed a good question. I don't know," Andy replied chuckling.

"Well we never heard anything else about it," I told Andy as we got out of the car.

I opened the back door to get Biscuit out.

"Now we ain't gonna let her roam wildly tonight. She is too clean to ruin," I told Andy.

"Yeah I do agree with you on that one darling," Andy remarked as we headed inside.

I kept Biscuit on her leash for now till we got into the house.

"We will take her out a few times before we put her in the kennel," Andy told me as he opened the door for us.

"Good idea love," I told him as I took Bisucit's leash off and she waltzed over to her bed.

I headed to wash up as Andy did the same.

I came back to the living room and had some work-related stuff to work on before even thinking about dinner.

"Whatcha up to darling?" Andy asked as he handed me a glass of iced tea.

"Some stuff for work. It's a list of upcoming recording sessions and who I need to send reminders out to," I told him.

"Oh how fun darling. Is there anything you can spill to me?" Andy asked jokingly.

"Haha not anybody that you would technically know," I told him.

"Got it," Andy replied as he turned the TV on.

"So I gotta work on this before dinner," I told him.

Andy reached for the TV guide.

"We can have a late dinner if it makes it easier," Andy replied to me.

"Sounds good to me," I told him as I set up my little work station on the coffee table.

What a wonderful start to December. 

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