Chapter 71

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Karen had come over to help me plan for the small trip to Germany. I had no clue how to dress or what to take for such a short trip.

"Well, you definitely need a heavier jacket. Germany is typically cold in February," Karen told me as we stood in my closet. 

"Ok noted. Is it actually that cold?" I asked her.

"It just depends if there is sun. I mean when me and Rich have been overseas, it's been typically cloudy," Karen told me.

"When was the last time you went to Germany?" I asked Karen as I pulled my suitcase out.

"I think it was like 1978 for Star Parade. It was when we met ABBA. The one and only time," Karen remarked as she started going through my sweaters and long sleeves.

"You only met ABBA once?" I asked her shocked.

"Yeah and that's when Rich heard "Thank You For The Music" and he came up with a really nice arrangement for the Tonight Show, in June of 78" Karen gushed.

"I had no idea. I've known you since then and didn't even know that," I told her as I found my travel-sized stuff to put in my suitcase

Karen chuckled.

"Yeah, I don't exactly know why I never told you that story. Were you with Andy yet?" Karen asked me.

"No, I wasn't if it was June. I think we got together in November of that year," I replied to KC who was now stacking a bunch of my long sleeves together.

"These would be good to pack so you have a bit of diversity to dress up or layer up," Karen told me.

"Good idea KC," I replied smiling.

Just about this time, my husband popped into the bedroom. He looked like he was on a mission.

"What are you looking for?" I asked Andy with a chuckle.

Karen was distracted by the million pairs of shoes I had pulled out to pack.

"I was on the phone with the airlines to confirm the flights and they needed my passport ID number for some reason," Andy commented as he opened the side table and grabbed his passport.

He then disappeared down the stairs before I could reply.

"One pair of sneakers one pair of boots. Wear boots to the airport for easier security clearance. Germany is pretty strict at their airports," Karen told me.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Yeah and I have no clue why," Karen replied as she looked at my checklist.

"Good thing you told me KC," I told her.

"Scarves you need to have at least one. It could be pretty bitter those 3 days you are there," Karen advised as she looked over my list.

"Ok scarves. Do I even own any scarves?" I questioned as I went to my drawer set.

I dug through some stuff and found one black one.

"Ok scarves, gloves, and maybe a beanie?" I asked her.

"That would be good," Karen replied as she finished reading over my list.

"Anything else I should remember?" I asked her.

"Make sure the sneakers are good walking shoes. You will be walking a lot those 3 days," Karen commented.

"Walking shoes ok I do have those," I mumbled as I grabbed the checklist off the bed.

"Anything else you needed before I head out?" Karen asked me.

"No except thank you for taking care of Biscuit and volunteering to feed our horse and chickens," I told her.

"It's my pleasure of course girl! I just expect a dozen eggs free," Karen joked. 

"You got it. We got more eggs than we know what to do with them," I told Karen as we headed down to the hall, down the stairs, to the living room.

"Deal," Karen joked.

Andy was still on the phone.

"Bye KC thank you for everything," I told her as I walked her to the front door.

"Anytime. Have a safe trip and don't forget to call me from Germany," Karen told me as she hugged me.

"Will do," I told her with a smile.

And so, Karen went her merrily way.

I snuck over to my husband.

"I'm on hold," Andy whispered.

"For what?" I asked him.

"They rearranged some flights so we may be getting a 2:30 a.m flight to Germany instead on the 8th," Andy replied.

"That means I won't even have time to sleep after I get home on the 7th," I told him.

"You will darling," Andy commented before we heard a voice come over the phone.

He went back to talking to the travel agent or airliner.

I went and grabbed the TV remote and muted the TV as I channel surfed. For a Friday afternoon, game shows were on.

"Hmmm," I mumbled as I grabbed the TV guide.

"Ok thank you so much. Take care, alrighty bye," Andy said as he put the phone on the ringer.

"All settled?" I asked him.

"Our new flight is for 2:30 a.m on the 8th," Andy confirmed.

"So we will get there earlier so we have more time in Germany then,"  I replied happily.

"Yes more time in Germany and enough time for you to get back to go to work," Andy told me.

"I just realized we won't actually be together on Valentine's Day," I told him.

"It's ok darling we can celebrate early and then celebrate again when I get home," Andy replied with a devilish smirk.

I giggled.

"I see you have this all mapped out perfectly," I told him.

"Of course I do darling," Andy replied before stealing a kiss from me.

"Mmm," I mumbled against his lips.

"You are too good too me woman," Andy commented as we readjusted to look at the TV guide that was sitting in front of me.

"I try my bestest," I told him.

"You do a very good job," Andy remarked before throwing a wink in my direction.

"You sly dog," I joked.

"Thank you darling I appreciate that compliment," Andy replied jokingly.

I shook my head as we begin looking for something to watch.

Germany was calling our name and everything was planned out perfectly. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now