Chapter 122

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Chestnut finally stood up and was walking around slowly. The vet wanted us to keep an eye on her because snake bites could be silent killers. My inner fears did not come true. As an overthinker, I always assume the worse. 

While all this chaos was going on, Andy was having a writing block. His record company wanted a new single out for the spring. Barry was busy working on his solo work so Andy was now having to work on a song by himself. 

When it came to writing, he always needed a person to bounce ideas off of.

"All along, you and me been needing each all along," Andy read off his journal for my approval.

I looked at him puzzled.

"Honey, Andrew, I love you but I love that just as much as I loved "I Just Wanna Be Your Everything" in 77," I told him.

Andy groaned.

"Ok what about this one, "you got a smile, a smile that last for long, your smile brings me to my knees," Andy read.

"Love it just as much as I loved your brother's song "Words" in 1967," I replied quietly.

Andy sighed.

"Darling I'm literally out of ideas," Andy remarked.

I frowned.

"Don't great songs come out of writer's blocks?" I asked Andy.

"I'm never gonna get a new hit," Andy replied frustrated as he shut his journal.

"Hey hey hey don't be so hard on yourself," I told him as I took the journal from him.

I flipped through to see his ideas that were scribbled across his pages.

"When you love someone you never frown, love like that is an open door," I read from one of the pages.

"I wrote that after our anniversary," Andy told me quietly.

"Doesn't matter what life has in store," I sang.

"Wait that could work," Andy sat up and grabbed his pen.

"Cause a love like that is an open door," I sang to Andy.

"Darling you have a pretty singing voice why don't you use it more often?" Andy commented as he wrote out the two lines I sang to him.

I chuckled.

"It's for emergency use only like right now. We are gonna get this song written and you are gonna make a demo out of it by tonight," I told him as I stood up and dragged him to our music room.

Andy's frustration was leaving. He was looking more optimistic.

"Ok now for the chorus," Andy asked me curiously.

"We gotta stick with the love and door theme right?" I asked him.

"Yes I would assume so darling it is your song write what you feel," Andy told me.

"Love it is our song," I told him.

"Hey wait that could work in the chorus," Andy jotted down what I had just said.

"Cause a love like that is an open door. Love is our song, it makes our hearts happy when we sing along," I spoke.

"Why don't you come along cause a love like that is an open door," Andy sang back.

"This is perfect. Wow, I don't know how we just wrote a whole song in like an hour but hey start working on that demo," I encouraged Andy.

"When we take this song to the record company's office tomorrow, we are making sure you get royalties for songwriting. We will put it as Gibb x Gibb," Andy told me proudly.

"No you don't have to love," I told him.

"Yes, darling. If it weren't for you, I would still be on that couch and worried I wouldn't have a song in time," Andy told me.

"I appreciate you so much," I told him as I smiled at him.

"Now we have one more thing to worry about," Andy told me.

I tilted my head at him.

"The song title," Andy remarked.

"Oh shoot that's right," I paused as we looked at the notebook.

"Love That Heals?" Andy spoke after a period of silence.

"Wait that's genius," I paused as I watched Andy write it at the top of the page.

He then wrote "Gibb x Gibb" for song credit so when he went to work tomorrow, they'd make sure things were right from the start.

"There now it's done," Andy told me proudly as he showed me the journal page.

"I can feel a top 10 hit coming," I told him as encouragement.

Inside, I was worried that I could have written a bad song with him.

"Now to work on the demo," Andy told me.

"I think you need a good drum line throughout the song," I told him.

"Ok, I think we are on the same track. A good drumline and some guitar and piano chords," Andy analyzed as he set up his little 4-track reel-to-reel tape and microphone to record the initial song.

"I'll go and wait in the living room," I began exiting the room.

Andy pulled me by my arm.

"Nuh uh you are gonna hear the song come to life," Andy told me.

"Are you sure I don't wanna be a bother-," I remarked as he leaned in to kiss me.

"Andrew you can't always use that move to shush me up," I chuckled.

"Says who?" Andy asked as he looked at me.

"Ok fine you win," I jokingly remarked.

"Sit down so I can get the demo done," Andy told me as he kissed my temple.

"Ok ok," I told him.

"Sometimes you need a little love," Andy commented as he threw a wink in my direction.

I smiled at my crazy husband.

"You do got a point there," I told him as he found a pair of headphones to start the record.

"Now let's hear this baby come to life," Andy told me proudly.

A number one record on the horizon. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant