Chapter 173

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"Karen I cannot fathom how you broke your leg," I commented. 

I was visiting KC in the hospital. Andy and I were gonna head out of town for our Valentine's Day trip but Richard called and told me she was in the hospital.  So before we left, I begged Andy for us to stop by and see how she was doing.

"I didn't want Rich to tell you but I was in a car accident. The other driver's fault. But, I wanted this to be kept lowkey because I do not want media coverage," Karen explained.

My eyes went wide. So did Andy's.

"You were in a car accident?" I asked concerned.

"Yes I had just left the studios with Rich and some drunk driver was running all stop signs and I was trying to get away and stay in my lane and then they t-boned me from the driver's side. The only thing was my left leg got the brunt of the accident," Karen explained to me and Andy.

"I'm just glad you are okay Karen. Have they caught the guy yet?" Andy asked.

"Not that I know of but I will keep you guys updated. I will be out of the hospital in 2 days," Karen told me.

"When do you get your cast?" I asked her as I looked at her bandaged leg.

"I think tomorrow. Since the surgery was successful yesterday, they will put the cast on before I leave and then I'll be in either crutches or a wheelchair for 6-8 weeks I cannot remember," Karen listed off.

"Ooof that sounds awful KC. Once we get back, I'll make sure to come visit you and also take you places if you want. But not a lot of shopping for a while," I joked.

Karen chuckled. Andy did to.

"That sounds wonderful. Now you guys should get going if you are gonna get to San Diego by 4," Karen told me.

I smiled. Karen always thought about others over herself.

"Ok KC rest up and we will see you soon," I told her as I half-hugged her.

"Yes take care Karen," Andy told her as he half hugged her too.

"Call me, we'll call the hospital when you get there. I want to know you arrived safely in San Diego," Karen told us.

"You got it KC. Wait what name are you checked in under again?" I asked before we left.

"Kat Monore," Karen told me.

"You got it, Kat," I said with a wink.

"You're the best guys. Thanks again for stopping by," Karen told us.

"Bye KC," I told her.

"Bye Karen," Andy told her as we left her hospital room.

We started walking towards the lobby and to the elevators to leave.

"I cannot believe she was in an accident," I remarked to Andy as we entered the elevator.

"No I know I can't believe it either," Andy remarked.

"It's crazy how awful this world has become," I told him as the elevator landed on the floor we needed to be on.

"I know darling this world keeps getting worse and worse every day," Andy told me as he reached to grab my hand as we walked to the parking garage.

"Right but like KC could have died from this," I remarked.

"She didn't darling and she walked away with just a broken leg. Well, I shouldn't say just a broken leg but you know what I mean," Andy told me.

"I know it's just frustrating to see people you love get hurt by other people's actions," I told him.

"I know darling. Trust me, I know," Andy told me as he squeezed my hand.

We walked to the car quickly and headed to the gas station to fill up before starting the drive to San Diego.

"I think we better visit the restrooms before we get on the road darling. It is a 3-hour drive after all," Andy told me as we pulled in front of a gas pump.

"Good idea," I told him as he put the car in park.

Andy and I headed into the gas station. I went one way to the bathroom while he went the other.

He went and paid for the gas at the register after we were both done.

I sighed as I leaned against the car and watched him gas up the car.

"All I can think about right now is lying down in the sun at the pool," I told Andy as he finished pumping the gas.

Andy chuckled.

"I wonder if it'll be warm enough to do that. I mean 60s and 70s isn't too bad," Andy told me.

"I know but I'm a pool girly," I told him as we got back into the car.

"I know darling," Andy told me as he started the car.

"To a wonderful road trip," I told him.

"To a wonderful road trip," Andy replied.

San Diego called and was waiting for us.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now