Chapter 49

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I woke up to my husband gone from the bed.  I reached over to feel his side and it was made up.

"Hmmm?" I mumbled out loud.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes and focused my eyes. Andy was nowhere in the bedroom.

Biscuit was asleep on the floor at the end of the bed.

She stirred as I sat up and got out of bed.

I put my robe and slippers on and trekked downstairs.

I could hear sizzling and smelled coffee and bacon aromas.

"He's making breakfast," I mumbled to myself.

I walked to the kitchen quietly and found Andy happily making breakfast.

"Good morning," I quietly commented.

"Good morning darling how did you sleep?" Andy asked as he turned to me.

"Fine but was sad to not find you next to me," I told him as he handed me a cup of coffee.

"I just wanted to do something nice for you," Andy replied with a smile.

"Aw love," I replied as he gestured for me to sit down at the table.

"Stay there I'll be right back," Andy commented as he disappeared to the garage.

I furrowed my eyebrows together at his action. Biscuit was now by the sliding glass door. 

Andy swiftly came back to the kitchen and had his hands behind his back.

"What are you doing?" I asked my husband.

"Just cause," Andy commented as he brought the bouquet of flowers into my presence. 

"Oh Andy," I replied shocked.

He had a bouquet of daisies.

"I just wanted to brighten up your day darling," Andy remarked.

"You are too good to me," I commented as I smelled the daises.

"Nothing is too high to reach when it comes to you," Andy replied as he went to go stir the eggs that were cooking on the stove.

"Awww," I quietly commented as I stared at the bouquet in my hand.

"I love you," Andy commented from the stove.

"And I love you," I told him back.

"I hope you are hungry this morning darling. The food is almost ready," Andy told me.

"I'm a foodie we know that. Of course, I'm hungry," I joked.

Andy chuckled.

"You are so silly but yes we know you love your snacks and food," Andy remarked.

I sipped my coffee before replying.

"I think that's one of my best traits," I analyzed.

"You also know how to cook a mean meal," Andy complimented. 

"What is up with you and all the compliments and loving today? Not that I'm complaining," I commented.

Andy chuckled at my comment.

"What? I can't be extra sometimes?" Andy asked as he brought me a plate of food.

"I didn't necessarily say that," I replied as I reached for the hot sauce.

Andy chuckled again.

"I know you ain't complaining," Andy winked in my direction.

"Oh hush loverboy," I told him as shook the hot sauce on my eggs.

"That's what I thought darling," Andy commented as he sat down next to me with his food.

"You do some much extra for me it's hard to comprehend sometimes," I told him after I finished chewing.

"No matter how many years we've been together, we keep that love alive and you don't find that often," Andy replied as he sipped his coffee.

"True I mean a lot of people fall out of love but I don't think I could say we could ever fall out of love," I analyzed. 

"You either fall for life or fall for the idea of love," Andy commented.

"Some people are only in love with the idea of a relationship but don't realize what comes with it," I told Andy.

"I don't know how some people could be like that. I could never have ever been like that," Andy remarked.

"Neither could I. I mean you were and truly are the first person in the entire world I fell for. It wasn't because you were the idol Andy Gibb. It was Andy the guy who loves the Mills Brothers and loved record collecting. The one who was shy and did not know how to approach me," I told him.

Andy smiled at me.

"Yeah keep going," Andy encouraged me. 

"Love you know how I really feel about you," I told him.

"The look in your eye is the cutest when you talk about us and how you feel about me. I can tell your feelings haven't changed or strayed," Andy replied lovingly. 

"They never will change because I love you," I told him.

Andy's eyes sparkled with so much happiness.

"I'm glad you love me a lot 'cause I love you," Andy commented.

Biscuit wanted in on this attention so she walked over to where we were at the table.

"I see someone also wants attention," I chuckled.

"Biscuit really?" Andy asked her.

She whimpered and lay down by the table.

"She must be hungry," I joked.

Andy chuckled as he escorted Biscuit outside temporarily.

"She acts like a little human being," I remarked as I finished my coffee.

"I think we babied her too much," Andy replied as he went to wash his hands before coming back to the table.

"Babied? She is our child after all," I told him with a wink.

Andy rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah I know darling," Andy chuckled as he finished his food.

"Today has been the best way to start the day," I told him to slightly change the subject.

"I'm glad we could start your day off right darling," Andy commented softly.

"I am too because some days are harder than others," I told him.

"And we will always take care of ya," Andy replied as he got my plate from me.

"You didn't have to do that," I told him.

"Darling it is not a problem," Andy told me as he went to the sink and got the water to start warming up.

"I feel like I've been lazy," I told him.

Andy shook his head.

"Don't sweat it darling," Andy remarked as he got the dishes to start soaking.

"Are you sure?" I asked him as I stood up and went to the sink where he was.

"Positive darling now don't worry your little brain. Go start getting ready," Andy fanned me out of the kitchen. 

I chuckled as I headed to go get ready.

A nice surprise to an early morning.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now