Chapter 140

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"I never thought we'd be working together again," I told Johnny as he sat in my office.

We were going over the paperwork and such before he'd go over to John's office. John made him a deal and now Johnny is no longer just the kid next door. He'd be hopefully shot to stardom in a few short months after his first single is released.

"I know kid. I mean hey I never thought about going into the business but when I decided to dabble in writing, it became like this," Johnny told me as he signed off some initials on the papers before him.

"It's crazy how the world came full circle with us. And the good thing is, John doesn't care that we knew each other," I told him chuckling.

"I don't know why you were so worried when John and Big Boss are brothers so they definitely will know our connection from the record store," Johnny told me.

"Well I overthink you know that," I told him as John waltzed in.

"How is the paperwork going?" John asked us.

"Good good he's got like 4 left to initial and then I'll send Mr. Sanchez right over to you," I told John with a smile.

John gave me a thumbs-up as he exited the room.

"I see why you like your boss so much now. He's the complete opposite of Big Boss," Johnny remarked chuckling.

I laughed.

"I know it's weird how they are related but not alike at all," I replied.

Johnny nodded his head in agreement.

"I think it's great though 'cause that just shows the apple can fall very far from the tree," Johnny joked.

I chuckled.

"You are too much Johnny I swear," I commented as he handed me the signed papers.

"It's my job as your unofficial big brother okay man?" Johnny commented as we both headed to John's office.

"Okay man," I commented in Johnny's tone.

We headed over to find John waiting for the paperwork and Johnny himself.

"Thank ya Ms. (Y/N)," John told me.

"Of course John, here is the newest addition to the family," I told him as I left the office. 

The good thing was the record company even though it was smaller was beginning to get more revenue and business due to marketing and the artists' singles hitting the top 10 and 20. So, Johnny would be here for a long time.

Since Johnny was my last client, I headed to my lunch break to meet up with KC at a little local hamburger joint up the street from the office.

I arrived and parked next to KC.

I got out and she was so thrilled to see me.

"Hi, how are you?"  I asked KC as she went in for a hug.

"I am good how are you?" Karen asked me as we separated from the hug and headed inside.

"Good good. Johnny is officially on the label now," I remarked as we went to order at the counter. 

"Oooh how exciting," Karen commented as we were called up to order.

I got only a small burger and fries and a Diet Coke because Andy and I had dinner reservations later.

"So anything new or exciting coming up for you and RC?" I asked Karen as we stood waiting for our order to be called.

"We are taking a break from music right now just to focus on family life. Rich as you know got married a year ago so they are focusing on starting a family," KC told me.

"Right right to uhm Mary correct?" I asked her.

"Yep that's the girl," Karen told me as her order number was called.

I watched them put my order together and they soon called mine.

We headed with our trays to sit down at a booth.

"So that's pretty much it. I'm moving from Century City back to Downey. I found a really pretty house that would be perfect if I were to get married and start a family in the next few years," Karen told me.

The downside to superstardom in KC's case was she couldn't find anybody that didn't already have their own money or would be golddiggers of her.

"You got to take me on your real estate appointments," I told her as I took a few fries to eat.

"I have one on Friday afternoon. Wanna tag along?" Karen asked me.

"Yes of course KC I would love to," I told her.

"It's a 4 bed 3 bath. It's right by Downey High," Karen told me.

"That's perfect to be in the city and like near a school so it should be a little bit safer," I remarked as we both focused on our food for a few.

"Right like I don't want to live in a ghetto side of town no offense to anyone who does but ya know," Karen chuckled.

I chuckled.

"I know that feeling KC. My old apartment complex felt a little ghetto," I told her.

"And now you live in the most beautiful ranch I've ever seen," Karen told me.

The conversation of life continues. 

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