Chapter 196

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"A trip to Florida? That's gonna be lovely," Olivia remarked.

Somehow all the schedules lined up for me, Karen, and Livvy to catch up on stuff.

Andy was out at the studio working on some stuff. 

"Yeah, so we are planning to go for a few days. It's been a while since we've been on the boat," I told her.

"I remember how he had to plan out the wedding proposal and every time it seemed it would go without any problems," Karen remarked.

"It seems like yesterday you and Andy got married. It was such a beautiful ceremony. Time goes by so fast, doesn't it?" Livvy commented.

"It does. I remember when I knew it was gonna happen, the proposal. And then when it did happen, I was in utter shock," I replied.

"Anddddddd we knew the whole time and had to keep the secret," Karen replied.

"You did drop some hints but as Andy said, I was oblivious," I chuckled.

"Were you really oblivious or were you playing along?" Olivia asked.

"No for real I was that oblivious. I was just focused on what was in front of me and the hints and things I didn't even read more into it," I replied.

"So are you going to need a house sitter?" Karen asked me.

"Oh yes definitely. Would you like to do it?" I asked Karen.

Livvy disappeared to the restroom.

"Of course girl! I love Biscuit and I love Brownie," Karen told me.

"Thank you! You are best as usual," I told her.

"I would never say no to babysitting. I can't wait till you two have kids," Karen remarked.

I smiled.

"One day KC. Not soon but in the future I hope," I told her.

Livvy then rejoined us.

"Did I miss anything?" Livvy asked.

We shook our heads.

"Not really just talking about babysitting," Karen replied.

"Oh, the horse and dog?" Livvy asked as she sat back down with us.

"Yes," Karen told her.

I disappeared to get more coffee in the kitchen.

Karen and Livvy were talking amongst themselves as I brought the fresh pot of coffee into the living room.

"Oh you shouldn't have," Karen told me.

"It's all good. We all love our caffeine," I joked.

Just then, the front door opened. Andy was home early.

"Hi darling. Hi Karen and Livvy," Andy commented as he entered the house.

Livvy and Karen waved at him.

"Hi," I replied as I poured myself another cup of coffee.

"Hey Andy," Karen said.

Andy chuckled as he walked up the stairs.

"I got to say he was never this happy till he got with you. The happiness has stayed and it's refreshing," Livvy told me.

I smiled.

"Everyone told me that when we first got together. I remember when Linda pulled me aside one day and told me that she and Barry were glad that he found someone like me," I told them quietly.

"It's definitely true I mean who knows what would have happened," Karen told us.

"I get sad thinking about the what-ifs," I told them.

"Well it's a good thing this entire thing isn't a what-if," Karen told me.

"That's definitely true," Livvy remarked.

Andy came back down the stairs and came to sit with us.

"What are you ladies chatting about?" Andy asked.

"Oh just life," Karen commented.

"I see," Andy remarked as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"So how was work?" I asked Andy.

"Good good. Some remixes from Barry came in," Andy remarked.

"Oooh how are they?" I asked.

"Good I just don't like the bridge of one of the songs," Andy explained.

"What is it that you don't like?" Karen asked curiously.

"The way my vocals sounded I guess," he told us.

"I bet you are overthinking it," Livvy replied.

"Yeah it's probably not bad at all," I told him.

"I'll bring you to the studio tomorrow darling so you can hear it," Andy remarked.

"Okie dokie," I replied as we all finished up our coffee.

Livvy and Karen got going soon after and Andy and I were alone again.

"So how was your visit with Livvy and Karen?" Andy asked me.

"Well, it was good. We had a lot of catching up to do. It's one thing to talk on the phone," I remarked as I cleaned up the coffee table.

Andy smiled.

"Yeah that's definitely true darling I mean you can say so much in a 20-minute phone call and after you hang up, you remember a bunch of stuff," Andy explained.

I chuckled.

"That's very true," I remarked as I took the coffee tray to the kitchen to wash.

Andy picked up the sugar and creamer cups and followed me to the kitchen.

"So what did you have planned for this afternoon?" Andy asked curiously.

"Nothing really," I remarked as I got the hot water warming up to wash the dishes.

"Did you ask KC about babysitting?" Andy remembered.

"Oh yes I asked her and of course, she said yes," I told him as I started washing the dishes.

"Good good I'm glad. I mean we could always hire people but I think KC feels validated by it," Andy told me.

I smiled as I washed the dishes.

"That's true," I remarked as Andy began drying the cleaned dishes.

A sink-full of responsabilties to say the least.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now