[24] The Oasis & The Desert (3)

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Chapter 24: The Oasis & The Desert (3)

Officer Miss Doublefinger, real name Zala, had eaten the Spike-Spike devil fruit. With curly blue hair, she wore revealing clothes and wore a confident expression all the time.


Her confident expression changed momentarily to an angry one when she was sent flying through the air. She activated her power to become a ball of spikes and sharply fell on top of a tree, penetrating it and avoiding any fatal damage.

She canceled the transformation and freed herself, jumping off the tree and looking around in the hope of figuring out which direction she came flying from.

"No point in looking around, hottie." A voice spoke, and a boy walked out of the shadows, smiling at her. "Hey, you don't even look surprised. Not gonna ask how I am here when you saw me somewhere else just a second ago?"

"It's meaningless to ask such things to a dead body." Zala scoffed and straightened her right hand, turning her fingers dead sharp.

"Scary," Hashirama smiled, raised his hand upwards, and revealed his fingers turning tall and sharp. "But I can do that too."

"...So, a copy-catting fool?" Zala grunted and rushed at Hashirama, her hands ready to cut him into pieces.

Though Hashirama mocked her ability by turning his hands sharp, he was going to lose in a clashing battle. Pointy sure, sharp too, but this wood wasn't strong enough to clash with her fingers and survive. Thankfully, his plan wasn't to fight her head-on.

"Everyone, come out!"

Hashirama rushed forward to clash head-on, while six more of himself rushed from the sides, coming out of the shadows and coming at her from a circle.

"Ugh, what the hell is up with your power?" Zala clenched her jaws and attacked the first Hashirama, pushing her sharp fingers right inside his chest. "Die."

Hashirama didn't turn into a puff of smoke this time, even though he was a clone. Instead, he turned into a solid piece of wood that was taking the shape of him.

One moment, Zala impaled Hashirama, and the next moment her fingers were stuck inside the solid piece of puppet. She frowned and began pulling out, but it was really stuck for some reason. She did succeed two seconds later, but that much was too late for her when the clones reached her.

"Goodbye, hottie!"

One of the Hashirama's yelled, his arm turning into a hammer as he slammed it on Zala's face. Zala was too caught off guard to turn into her spike form and got sent flying a few meters back.

Before she could get back to her feet, one of the clones used Wood Release to drag out a wooden cross from under the ground. Vines came out of the wood and pulled Zala towards it, sticking her figure on the cross. Vines began choking her, causing disruption when she tried to transform into a full hedgehog, and when that happened, another Hashirama rushed forward to slam another large wooden hammer on her face.


Zala's body throbbed... and then she felt limp. The few parts of her body that were distortedly transformed into spikes returned to normal and her body loosely hung from the cross.

"She is alive, right?" Hashirama asked himself—seeing her chest rise up and down gently. "It seems so. Good, good."

That counted as one done, along with the two before.

Honorable mention; the carriage driver, who was most likely a Baroque Works agent too, was already out of the game the moment he landed on the ground.

Now, it was time to take care of the more dangerous ones, namely, Mr One.

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