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Mrs. Zhang said: "Isn't it normal for girls to prefer beautiful clothes? I personally selected this material at the cloth store! Qibao's skin is white, so this color is the most suitable!"

Mrs. Wang also smiled and said: "It's a token of your first and second sisters-in-law's appreciation, as it should be!"

"Mother is right! We'll treat Qibao just like our own daughter, it'll just take some time!" Mrs. Li said.

Qibao carried the clothes back to her room, then put them in the closet.

Fu Rui also came in and said with a smile: "Miss, the First Lady's craftsmanship is really skillful! These clothes are really nice, Miss will be beautiful in them!"

Qibao said: "You don't have to be envious. This winter I will buy some fabrics of your favorite color and make yourself a suit according to your favorite style!"

Fu Rui smiled happily and said: "Thank you, Miss. Miss, you are so kind to us!"

By the time the sun rises, Kui Wu returns to the Xu family with his brothers, as it is time to pick up the young masters and take them home.

Kui Wu talked a lot with them and told them all about the Xu family's property in the village.

After hearing this, they admired the Xu family very much. They did not expect that the Xu family could develop from the previous poverty and predicament to the point where it could lead a village to become rich, and even purchase several properties. It was really impressive.

Gradually, Kui Wu knew that the Xu family was indeed a benevolent family. Otherwise, who would care about the life and death of other people in the village and would have left Xujia Village to live a better life outside.

Therefore, it has changed from the previous doubtful view.

At the dinner table in the evening, Xu Zhiyong hesitated for a while and then said: "Grandma, father and mother, I have decided not to come back at night starting from tomorrow. I will stay at the barbecue restaurant."

"Zhiyong, have you really decided?" the old man asked.

"Yes, grandpa, I have decided!" Xu Zhiyong said decisively.

"Okay, that's fine. No matter how difficult it is in the future, you can never give up on the path you have chosen, otherwise you will be looked down upon by others in the future!" the old man said.

"Yes! Grandpa!" Xu Zhiyong said.

Mrs. Zhang wanted to say something but she never spoke. There were still guests at home.

Xu Dabo has already looked away, no matter what, it is good that his son has a goal. When he was this old he didn't even know what he wanted to do! It was already a lot better than him being an old man.

The old man saw Old Five holding a large bowl of rice, his face almost buried in it, so he said: "Old Five, eat slower, there's enough for another serving, there's still plenty of rice in the pot."

Old Five took the bowl off his face and wiped his mouth: "Old man, one bowl is enough for me. I have promised my second brother to eat less!"

The second brother rolled his eyes and said: "One bowl is enough for you, but the bowl you use is two or three times larger than usual!"

Old Five replied: "Second Brother, big bowls and small bowls are for eating, I usually have to refill them, and I'm sure I won't this time." 

Mrs. Wang looked at the bowl in his hand, which was bigger than everyone else in the room and wanted to laugh a little.

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