you skip school and another boy catches you and tells him

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Louis(Age 12): you weren't in the mood for school today because you simply didn't want to go or be there so you and you friends decided not to go  you told your brother you were "sick"so he let you stay home from school you were surprised he fell for it but you  and your friends decided you guys were going to the mall to go shopping in a addias store and you knew louis was with the boys today so you weren't worry of him catching you because you thought they would be at your house all day today just chilling but then all of the sudden you felt a tap on you shoulder you froze in your place and slowly turned around and you saw a surprised Liam he said " Louis said you were sick so why are you here?" you said "I'm I needed fresh air." He said "you could have went outside at your house are you faking being sick to get out of school?" You said "psh no why would I do that." You bit your lip He said "your brother won't be please at all." You goraned and said "do you have to tell him can't this just be between you and me?" He shook his head and said "no he needs to know your here and what you did." You groaned again knowing that you were in a buttload of trouble louis found you and didn't say a word and it was a quiet ride home and when you got home louis said "why would you lie to me why?"you said "because I wasn't in the mood to go to school so what else was I suppose to do."He said "that is no excused you are grounded for a month give me all your electronics." you went up to your room and handed them all to him and he said "you go to school then come back no hanging out with friends either only in school understand." You said "yes sir." Then he left.

Liam(Age 11): you were excatly like liam you did everything right but today you didn't want to go to school so you slept in without Liam knowing when Liam came to wake you up he thought you got up and left for school but little did he know you were hiding in your closet and then you climbed back into bed and then Harry was at your house he walked into your room and saw you were still in bed and he walked in and said "YN why aren't you in school?" You said "I didn't want to go so I hid in my closet and then waited until he was gone." He said "liam will not be happy because right now he thinks your in school." You said "do you have to tell him can't this be between me and you?"He said "nope I have to tell him love he needs to know." then he went to tell your brother he was not happy at all you got grounded for a month you weren't alound to watch tv or hang out with your friends you learned your lesson and never did that again.

Niall(age 13): you and you friends were in school but then decided to skip out during the last two periods so you guys could go to a meet and greet that  2 bands were having at the mall little did you know it was 5 seconds of summer and one direction once you guys got there you guys waited in line and you guys were at the back you said "I'm screwed." your friends were thrilled and said "you should be excited why are you screwed?" You said "gee I don't know maybe because my brother and his friends that are like brother's to me are here."they said "oh shit we toally forgot about that." Now they saw why you were nervous knowing you would get caught by one of them once you guys got a little closer you excused your self to the bathroom in hopes of not getting caught but with your luck louis caught you and said "well well look who we have here." You said "I can explain I was in school but I left after the last two periods."He said "don't explain to me explain it to your brother." He went over and told your brother and you were stuck with secerity for the rest of the day and once you got home niall was ferouis with you and you got grounded for 2 months with no electronites or friends to hang out with it was torture for you.

Harry(age 17): you and your friends skipped school and decided to go to the mall and with your luck your brother and the boys were there you tried not to get caught but of course while your in a clothing store niall catches you and says "you are in so much trouble missy." You said "do you have to tell him?" He said "hell yeah I do." You sighed and he took you to your brother who drove you home and you were grounded for 3 months with no electrons or hanging out with friends after school. All you did was went to school and came home from school you defently learned your leasson.

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