You fight with your boyfriend justin bieber and break up with him

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*Age 18 in all*

Harry: you were just scrolling through Twitter when you noticed that Justin put his Instagram back up. You smiled because now you know the fans are happy but then he tweeted saying it was a mistake you frowned and under your breath said "dating you was a huge mistake ." you weren't happy with him he came home and you said "how could you say that?" He said "say what?" You said "don't act dumb you know what you did." He said "I don't know what I did but whatever I did probably doesn't matter." You look at him fuming saying "are you fucking kidding me what you did will ruin your caree you are losing so many fans because of everything you've done!! And you don't even care?!?!?"He said "oh yeah then how is all my albums sold out and how is my single number one I don't see your brother and his band doing that!!!" You said "don't you dare drag them into this they are on a break when they come back they will be break more records then you have ever broken oh wait they still are breaking more records then you!!!" He said "when will that be?" You were geting so heated you said "soon and you're pretty soon going to have no fans because of all the crap you are pulling you know what dating you was a huge mistake !!!" He said "well I still have fans un like your brother and his band!!!" You went up to him and said "keep them out of this we are not talking about them we are talking about you!!!I don't like the way you are treating your fans!!! And by the way my brother and his band has more fans than you ever will and my brother and his band would never pull this crap!!! Once I tell them what you said your going to be dead!!!"You took your stuff and left his house and slamed the door shut.Then you drove all the way to Harry's house you knocked on the door and he let you in he said "I thought you were with Justin." You said "I was but then we got in a huge fight and I broke up with him because I can't deal with him treating his fans he annoys me so much I don't even know what I saw in him and he was saying shit about you guys." Niall said "I guess you thought he changed and what did he say about us?" You said "a lot of things that aren't true and yeah but he didn't." Then you spent the rest of the night with your brother and the boys.

Niall: you were at your house on Twitter when you saw that Justin was talking to Selena you frowned your brows when he got home you said "why were you talking to Selena?" He said "she started yelling at me because I deleted my Instagram and I'm shutting out my fans." You said "what she said is right you are caring more about your self and me then you are caring about your fans that's why they don't like me and that's why your going to lose them." He said "I'm protecting you I don't like that they think they can hate on my girlfriend and get away with it." You said "well I don't like the way you are acting towards them you need a reality check you need to remember who got you where you are in the first place you need to think more about them and less about yourself." He said" I just don't want to meet them is that such a big deal!!!" You said "yes Justin because that means you don't care about them and they support you through everything and all you do is treat them like garbage when you change which will be never give me a call because I don't want to be with a person who only cares about him self." He said "you shouldn't be the one to talk your brother and his band don't care about their fans either!!!!" This made you ferious you went up to him and said "how dare you say that they care a lot more about their fans then you do they are in a break right now and they still stop and take pictures with fans they still care so much about their fans because they are family to them and they would never abandon them like you did to yours!!!! They will never be you!!!" You took all your stuff and left and said "if you don't get what this means it means we're over!!!" You got in your car and drove to Niall's place the 5sos boys were there to you walked in and Niall said "what happened?" You said "he was just being him selfish self and he got offend because Selena said stuff to him that is true so I broke up with him because I don't like that he's only thinking about him self and not the people around him and then he said you and the boys didn't care about your fans." He said "that's bs."Ashton said "you did the right thing." You said "I know I did."Then you spent the rest of the night with your brother and the 5sos boys.

Louis: you were on the computer and notice pictures of Justin with another girl and they were kissing. You slamed your computer and packed your stuff this wasn't the first time he did this either Justin came home and you said "you don't even have to explain I already know what was going through your mind when you did it. Once again you were thinking about your self!!!" He said "that's not true!!" You said "oh really then take pictures with your fans?!?!" He said "no I don't want too!!!" You said "then I don't want to be with you have a great life Justin!!!" You opened the door and ran out and slamed it shut.You drove to Louis house and Lottie opened the door and said "I'm so sorry." You said "don't be he deserves it." She said "you broke up with him?" You said "yeah because I'm sick of him being so selfish." Louis heard this and said "good that you broke up with him."Then you guys watched tv for the rest of the night.

Liam: you were out with Justin when a couple of fans came up to him and asked for pictures but he Ignored them and kept walking that pissed you off you pulled away from him and said "what was that back there?" He said "I told them I wasn't taking pictures anymore with them." You said "that is so messed up don't you realize that you are their idol their role model you need to change for their sake and for your siblin sake!! Do you want your younger brother to turn into you?" He said "no I don't I'm trying really hard to change." You said "not hard enough because you are pushing away the people that got you to were you are I'm sorry but it is to late to say sorry to me why was I ever a fan of you good bye Justin have a good life and yes I'm breaking your heart like you did to me many years ago but I'm over it and you'll get over it quick too." Then you left and went to his house and grabed your stuff then you went to Liam's house and cherly opened the door and let you in you said " I finally broke up with him i'm so happy I did that." Cherly said "good now your happier." You said "yeah I'm." The. You guys just watched movies the rest of the day.

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