Your dad abuses you

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Louis:(age:12): you hated living with your dad now before your mom died he was fine but now that she's gone he takes his anger and sadness out on you and you didn't like that at all he would always hurt you and Louis didn't know this he told you not to tell anyone but you had to it was eating you alive before you went home from school you went to Louis's place and knocked on his door Eleanor opened the door and gasped because you didn't put makeup on today. So all your bruises and cuts were showing she let you in and said "what happened?" You said "my dad." You just broke down She said "oh baby." And hugged you Louis walked in and saw Eleanor Hugging you and asked "what happened?" You looked at him and his eyes went wide he said "who did this to you?" You said "Dad did." He said "why does he do this to you?"you said "because mom died that's why and he's angry and sad and he takes it out on me only me no one else in the house." He said "your staying with me for now on your never going back to that house again got it?" You said "yeah."

You were happy you told louis you knew he would help you with this.

Liam:(age:13): your dad hated you because you weren't like Liam so he would hurt you every day because you always did something wrong in his eyes even know you knew you didn't do anything wrong you wanted to tell Liam so bad so that's what you did you walked to Liam's house and cherly answered the door and gasped because you had just gotten a beating from your dad because you forgot to take the trash out she let you in and said "who did this to you?" You said "my dad." And you cried She hugged you Liam walked in and saw you and said "what happened?" You looked up and he said "who the hell did this to you?!?!"You said "Dad all because I'm not like you and I forgot to take out the trash and apparently I don't do anything right." Liam hugged you and said "your staying with us I'm not allowing you to live with him anymore." You nodded happy you told him about this you know he'll take care of this.

Niall:(age:14): your Dad just didn't like you and wished you were never born and he hates your guts so he hurt you every day and you needed to tell Niall even know you knew your dad would kill you if he ever found out but you know he'll never know. You walked to Niall's house and knocked on his door and the 5sos boys opened the door and gasped they let you in and said "dude get in here it's your sister." Niall walked in and said "who the hell did this to you?!?"You said "Dad because he hates me that's why he did this to me he doesn't want me here or alive." You cried and He hugged you and said "your living with me don't worry you won't ever have to see him again." You nodded happy that you had such a protective big brother.

Harry:(age:15): you were a rebel and your dad didn't like that at all and his job was bad to he didn't like his job either so he would take his anger out on you and you couldn't take it anymore so you walked over to Harry's house and knocked on the door Niall answered it and said "what happened?" You said "my dad is what happened." Harry walked in and said "who did this to you?" You said "our so call Dad did this to me." He said "your staying with me I'm not allowing you to stay with him any more." You said "ok good." He hugged you and now you knew that Harry would put a stop to this.

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