A hater hurts you

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Harry(age 16): you were walking home from school and a couple of haters from school were following you home and calling you names and saying the boys hate you and they don't love you and your just using them you knew none of this was true so you Ignored it, you got to your house and was about to go inside when one of them came up to you and says "I was speaking to you." You don't say anything you just stare at her then she slaps you and harry saw and came running out he said to the haters "leave I never want to see you girls every again near her or near any of us your not welcome at any of our events!!!"They left and he brought you in where the others were liam said "what happened?" You said "haters." He sighed and then harry came back with ice to put it on your forming bruise harry said "if those girls ever bother you again tell me or the boys got it and what ever they said isn't true at all your beautiful and I love you very much." You smiled and you were happy that you had the best big brothers ever.

Niall(age 14): you come home from school and your face is all beat up you walk in and the boys and 5SOS Boys are there they gasped once they saw you and niall came over to you and said "what the hell happened?" You said "I was walking out of school and fucking haters started call me names and saying you guys didn't love me I wasn't listen to them so they ganged up on me and attacked me and beat the shit out of me." Niall went to get the first aid kit to clean you up and he says "I'll talk to your principle tomorrow to make sure they don't do this again and what they were say is not true we love you very much and you are a beautiful girl." You smiled and said "thank you your the best." He said "no problem no one hurts my little sister." You smiled and he gave you a hug then you guys watched a movie for the rest of the day.

Louis(age 15): you were walking home from school you had bruise all over your body from a couple of girls who didn't like you. You quietly walked into the house hoping your brother or his friends weren't there but with your luck they were there you tried to quietly make it upstairs but of course you fall and make a loud thud your brother came in and said "YN are you okay?" You said without looking at him "yeah I'm fine." he turned you around and helped you up he gasped and said sternly "who did this to you?" You said "a couple of mean girls who hate me for no reason at all." He said "I'll talk to the princible tomorrow now come with me so I can clean you up."you guys went to the bathroom and he cleaned you up, you said "your the best brother ever." he said "that's what I do." You smiled and hugged him then you hung out with the boys and him the rest of the night.

Liam(Age 13): you were walking home from a party when a bunch of girls came up to you and beat you up you friend pulled them off and said "what's your problem?!?!"They said "we just don't like her she deserved it."

Then they left your friend helped you up and you limped home with the help of your friend once you got to your house you saw Liam and Sophia, Sophia gasped and liam came running over to you and carried you inside and sat you on the couch while sophia went to get the first aid kit.He said "what happened?" you said "a bunch of girls came up to me while I was walking home and they beat me up." Liam said "do you know who these girls were?" You said "yeah they're from my school." He said "I'll talk to the princible tomorrow and I'll make sure this never happens again." He then cleaned you up and you said "thank you li your the best big brother ever." He said "no problem sis." He hugged you and you hung out with him and Sophia the rest of the night.

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