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I don't usually but this is something I have to rant about so tonight at Harry's show apparently he walked off stage because no one would be quiet when he wanted a moment of silence for Manchester good for him he should because people need to show respect not only to him but to the people that lost their lives and to the people that are suffering from this and this affect harry so much that he short the show and people were geting mad about that like serouisly who cares if he shorten the show at less you guys got to see him and he was brave enough to go up there and perform for you guys that's how much he cares about us he was hurting but he still put on a show for us it was probably still amazing as it always is but people really do need to show respect and not complain about everything like you guys are lucky enough to be there and come out alive some people didn't come out alive last night. So just be happy that you got to see him and he was there for you don't complain about it. I can't even imagine how Harry's feeling right now he must be so heartbroken but he was strong enough to go up on the stage and perform for us fans because he loves us that much so the people that are complaining that it wasn't longer enough can go away until they earn respect and kindness.

This is the end of my rant sorry I just had to get this off my chest because this just annoyed be so much and this also goes for the rest of the Ariana granda tour I wouldn't blame her if she cancelled the rest of her tour who cares about the money she is scared for life she's heartbroken over the event that happen give her respect let her recover from this it will take her a long time but once she's ready she will go back on tour and she will perform again but right now she needs a break she needs to be with her family and love ones peole need to respect that.

Ok now my rant is over sorry if this was long I just had to get all of this off of my chest because some peole have no respect and they need to have respect stay strong Manchester and stay strong harry and stay strong Ariana I'm here for all of you, you guys are in my thoughts and prayers🙏💖

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