You see a clown

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Louis:(age:15): You were home alone with your friends Louis and the boys were out for the night, you guys were listening to music and chilling when you heard something coming from downstairs. You turned off the music and quietly walked downstairs with your friends, You peaked your head out and saw a clown you gasped quietly and went back up to your room and locked the door and called 911 they said "911 what's you emergancy?" You said "there's a clown in my house and I don't know what to do and I'm freaking out and terrified for my life."They said "is it armed?" You said " I don't know all I know it's creepy as hell." They said "stay calm someone is coming to help you." You said "okay thank you."

Then you called Louis he picked up on the first ring and said "what happened? Is everything okay?"You said "there's a clown in our house and me and my friends are freaking out I'm about to have a panic attack." He said "okay deep breaths did you call 911?" you said "yeah they are on their way." He said "okay stay calm we are on our way as well." You said "okay." Then someone came into the house it was the police they said "freeze and put your arms up." You and your friends came out and didn't see the clown any where the police said "your safe it must have gotten away because when we arrived there wasn't one here." You said "okay thank you but I swear there was one I'm not making it up and please try and find it so it doesn't come back." They said "we believe you and we'll try." Then they left and Louis and the boys came in Louis hugged you and said "are you okay?" and checked you over for cuts of bruises you said "yeah I'm fine just scared." He hugged you and your friends and said "you girls are safe now." You said "not If they're still out there we aren't ." from that day on you never stayed home alone again.

Liam:(age:16): You and your friends wanted to go clown hunting for fun Liam didn't want you guys going alone so him and the boys came with you. You guys were walking in the woods and it was dark by now so far you haven't seen any and you weren't planing on seeing any either you were terrified and you didn't want to do this anymore.But then you guys heard something in the bushes you run towards liam and hid behind him your friend shined the flashlight towards and said "it's a deer chill girl." You said " this wasn't a good idea." Your friend said "it's not like we're going to see one they probaly aren't even around here trust me I think we're safe." Right as she said that a clown came out of no where you guys scream and ran as fast as you could to Liam's car he put the keys in quickly and quickly turned on the car then drove as fast as he could you were heavy breathing and said "we are never ever doing that again." Your friends said "agree." You guys got back to your house and locked the door and then you guys watched tv the rest of the night.

Niall(age:17): One day your friends thought it would be funny to scare you so they dressed up as a clown and came into your bedroom while you were sleeping and scared the shit out of you. They thought it was funny but it wasn't to you, you said "that wasn't funny guys." They said "sorry."So today while they were hanging out at your house you guys were in the living room with Niall and the boys, you heard something come from upstairs and said to your friends "everyone is down here right?" They said "yeah why?" you said "I heard something come from upstairs." Niall said "stay down here girls boys come with me." The boys went to see what was up there, a couple mintues later the boys came running downstairs and said "get out of the house now." You guys ran outside and you said "who is it?" Niall said "it's a clown." He called 911 and they said they were on their way you were so scared. The police arrived and went inside they came back out and said "it got away you guys are safe now." You said "no we aren't if it got away it's still out there." They said "don't worry we won't let it hurt you." Then they left and your friends and the boys went inside you slowly went in and Niall said "don't worry it's gone." You walked in and said "how do you know for sure it might be hiding some where."Niall said "if the police say it's gone that it is." You sat near Niall and the boys the rest of the night.

Harry:(age:18): You were walking home from work by yourself and it was dark out you were listening to music when you felt like someone was following you. You turned around and saw a clown you screamed and ran as fast as you could back to Harry's house you got there and ran inside Louis said "what happened?" You said "a clown was following me." Harry came in and said "are you okay?are you hurt?" You said "yeah I'm fine just scared that's all." He hugged you and said "you'll be okay your safe now."

The rest of the night you guys watched movies the rest of the night and you didn't leave Harry's side the whole night.

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